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THE PRINCESSES OF DRAGONSTONE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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131 AC, King's Landing

Valyria Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne...

Words she'd long to hear many times during her life yet now when they echoed in her head Valyria did not know what to feel. Since she was seven nameday's old, she'd been the Princess that got overlooked. Rhaenys Targaryen received the nickname 'The Queen Who Never Was' when she was passed over in the line of succession but despite being closer to the throne than her older cousin no one ever considered her anything more than a princess.

She knew that her being a girl disappointed many at the time of her birth. Everyone hoped for Prince Daeron – who for many years refused to get married – finally would get a son that could become heir once he descended the throne. Her father always told Valyria she was meant for greatness but after he died she didn't think anyone considered her as a potential future monarch.

Her grandfather made her feel loved even after she'd been orphaned. Everyone knew that of all his grandchildren King Jaehaerys loved Valyria the most. He never made a secret of it. During his long rule, no other child of his or grandchild ever got to sit on his lap during Small Council meetings nor upon the Iron Throne. Yet she'd always believed that he didn't want her to succeed him. If he did, he never would have called the Great Council at Harrenhal.

Now her entire world was being thrown upside down. Thoughts about a crown that she'd buried a long time ago resurfaced. Valyria always knew she had a claim and that she over the years gained many strong allies all over the Seven Kingdoms. Simply taking the throne and claiming it for herself always was an option for her yet Valyria never dared entertaining those thoughts because it would be selfish. Taking the throne by force would only cause bloodshed and be a loss of innocent lies.

Now, however, all those childhood dreams of being Queen no longer felt so far-fetched. All this time the Iron Throne had been hers.

Valyria felt like somebody forcefully kept her head under water. The voices in the throne room grew louder yet Valyria couldn't hear anything clearly. Everything around her became a hazy fog as her entire life came crashing down on her.

Then, as if her head was emerging from water, everything became clearer in an instant. Viserys' declaration ensured chaos erupted in the throne room.

Valyria ignored them all as she stared up at Viserys sitting on the Iron Throne he'd taken from her, looking at her apologetically. Guilt filled his light purple eyes as he bowed his head in pure shame.

"Perhaps this means my reign has never been a legitimate one," Viserys said, and most of the crowd quieted down to hear what he was saying. "But I do not have much time left and when I go, Westeros will finally get its rightful ruler. This morning ravens were sent to every noble house in the realm, informing them of the announcement that Valyria Targaryen is the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."

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