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THE GROWING FAMILY ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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129 AC, Water Gardens

"If I did not know better, I'd think you are avoiding me."

The sound of her husband's voice broke Valyria out of her thoughts and she turned to find him walking towards her, hand resting against Dark Sister. Having discarded his doublet of summer silks, he now wore only his white undershirt and a pair of black breeches.

"When have you ever known better?" Valyria retorted over her shoulder before turning her back to him again, waiting for Daemon to walk over to her. He sat down right next to her on the bench overlooking one of the massive pools, not leaving any distance between them. She fixed him with a playful glare, "There is plenty of room without you nearly sitting down on my lap."

"You love it," Daemon smirked mischievously, nipping at the exposed skin of her neck. The princess laughed at her husband's antics, pushing his face away from her. "Why are you out here?" he asked instead.

"I simply wanted to take a nightly promenade in the gardens," Valyria told her husband, leaning her head against his shoulder when his arm circled around her waist, dragging her even closer to him. "There are few things that bring me more joy than seeing all the children play out here during the day, yet I cherish these moments of silence and – calmness."

"Do you want me to be quiet?" Daemon wondered, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing patterns against her forearm.

"Are you capable of being quiet?" Valyria teased. "That is when you're not brooding or trying to convey that you are cross with me in hopes that I will shatter under the absence of your voice and apologise."

With his free hand, Daemon squeezed her thigh warningly, "When did the Realm's Jewel go from being an innocent little princess to being such a menace?"

"It depends what you mean with innocent," Valyria smirked. "Mayhaps you were the one to corrupt me. To taint my innocence. I do recall this one time as a child when I called Septa Marlow a 'cunt' and grandfather forbade you from leaving your chambers for a fortnight." She laughed at the memory. "Everyone immediately knew you taught me that word."

"Yes, I do remember that," Daemon said with a little less amusement. "I was eight-and-ten at the time and that was one of the most tortuous fortnights of my life. I could not train, I wasn't allowed to drink, I could not —," he hesitated, "do anything amusing."

"You need not pretend with me," Valyria rolled her eyes, "you could not spend your nights fucking whores in a brothel with your low-life friends. I do sincerely apologise for robbing you of all those exciting nights."

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