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THE DRIFTWOOD THRONE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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131 AC, King's Landing

The morning after their arrival to the Red Keep — when the fate of the Driftwood Throne would be decided — Valyria woke up at the crack of dawn. In Sunspear she always woke up first in order to get dressed and get a few things done before breaking her fast with the rest of her family.

Due to her husband's fondness of keeping her close when they slept, every morning turned into a struggle to break free. Most days he'd let her go, roll over and continue sleeping. More often lately, however, he'd try to keep her close even when he remained asleep.

Laying on her side with Daemon's chest pressed against her back, arm slung around her waist and one leg thrown over both of Valyria's. Valyria attempted to roll out of his embrace only for Daemon's unyielding hold to tighten. In the process of making sure she remained in her place, Daemon in his sleep-hazed state nuzzled against the crook of her neck, burying his face into the silver tresses.

"We are not in Dorne," Daemon mumbled sleepily. "Sleep."

"It's an important day," Valyria reminded her husband. It wasn't simply the fate of Driftmark that would be decided when the verdict laid on the table. If the Crown declared Lucerys Velaryon heir to the Driftwood Throne little would change. Should Vaemond Velaryon be proclaimed the rightful heir, however, then the legitimacy of all Rhaenyra's children also had to be questioned and her position as Princess of Dragonstone threatened.

"Not for us," Daemon drowsily. "All we are required to do today is stand there and pretend we are not plotting the Hightowers murders."

"Then I shouldn't bother your rest since we all know how much strength it takes for you to not murder Otto Hightower every time you see him," Valyria snorted. She tried to remove Daemon's arm from around her waist but he didn't budge. "I need to make sure the children are prepared-"

"I assure you they are sound asleep right now," Daemon told her firmly. "Much like everyone else in the Red Keep."

Realising this was a battle she never could win, Valyria relaxed in her husband's arms. Satisfied by her submission to his request, Daemon closed his eyes again yet did not move an inch. The only problem being that Valyria – considering the day they had in front of them – had far too much to think about and therefore she couldn't bring herself to fall back asleep.

Her plan to wait for Daemon's breathing to even out, signalling that he'd been lulled into a slumber again, and then attempt another escape. She soon realised Daemon shared her difficulties when his fingers languidly traced patterns against her skin. Due to last night's activities, no clothes separated them and one particular part of Daemon was definitely awake judging by the evidence pressing against her back.

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