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THE DRAGON AMONGST SNAKES✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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116 AC, King's Landing

Almost three years had passed since Valyria last saw Daemon.

Almost three years since that day on the island where he had told her that he, alongside Corlys Velaryon, was going to war and so much had changed.

Viserys had wed Alicent Hightower and their first child had been born around a year later; Aegon they had named him after the Conqueror. The birth of a son had made things tense and awkward at court because Viserys still held onto Rhaenyra as his heir which baffled some of the nobles. Now when Viserys finally had the son he had longed for for so long, few understood why he chose for his daughter to remain as heir.

Otto Hightower had become even more insufferable now when his daughter was the Queen and Valyria had never missed Daemon's presence more in her life because no one could get under the Hand's skin like he did. It was terribly amusing to watch.

And even though she rarely even admitted it to herself, Valyria missed Daemon for more reasons than that. That day on the island had been an eye-opener for her. She had realised that what she felt for Daemon might go past annoyance and hatred. Perhaps it wasn't hatred at all.

Admittedly, their relationship had not always been strained. Even though Valyria tried to convince herself it had, she did remember the fond memories from her childhood. When he had taken her out on rides on Caraxes and was kind to her - even though he enjoyed teasing her. What she didn't remember was when it had gone from playful banter to snarky remarks.

A part of her cursed Daemon for suddenly making all these confusing feelings take over her senses and then leaving like he had. Forcing her to think of him every single day. He was like the plague - impossible to get rid off. Therefore she did everything in her power to get her mind on other things.

"May the gods bless you, Princess Valyria," a man said as Valyria handed him a loaf of bread. Over the four years since she returned to King's Landing, Valyria had tried to uphold the same charity work that her grandmother spent much of her time performing. In rocky times, it was always good to have the support of the smallfolk.

"Thank you," Valyria smiled kindly.

"Princess, it is time we return to the castle," Ser Criston told her. "You are to eat supper with the King tonight."

"Of course, Ser Criston," Valyria said, knowing very well that he was eager to get her back to where she would be safer. It was a nightmare for him every time she decided to take a trip to the city. But the sun was beginning to set and she did not want to be late for her dinner with Viserys.

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