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THE CONSPIRACY ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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124 AC, Sunspear


Serra's piercing scream echoed against the walls of the sept and for a few moments it was like time slowed down. Those in the audience could only watch when three men charged forward towards the Prince and Princess of Dorne, weapons drawn. Valyria's head spun around just in time to see a slightly familiar man – she could not place a name to the face – raised the dagger in his hand, prepared to slit her throat from behind.

Then everything changed and suddenly everything seemed to be happening all at once. Valyria dove out of the way just before the man could grab her. Out of her peripheral vision, Valyria witnessed Qoren trying to fend off two attackers of his own. But Valyria did not get much opportunity to worry about her husband because soon her attacker was there, grabbing a fistful of her hair, yanking her to her feet by it.

Since he was armed while she had absolutely nothing to defend herself with while simultaneously being weaker, Valyria acted on instinct. Before he could slit her throat or stab her, she used the way one of his arms currently were holding her in place  and the altar close by to jump up and push with her feet against it with all her might, forcing her captor to stumble backwards.

What the man didn't seem to remember was the staircase leading up to the dais. It was only three steps high but enough of a height difference for him to completely lose his footing. Both Valyria and the man fell backwards down the steps but luckily for her, he broke her fall a little. When his arm loosened around her waist, however, Valyria continued to roll backwards down the stairs.

Grunting in pain when she landed on the hard floor, Valyria didn't have much time to think about her injuries. Quickly, purple eyes zeroed in on the now abandoned dagger on the ground next to her assailant. Noticing how he was quickly recovering from the fall as well, Valyria crawled over to it. She got a hold of the dagger just before her attacker could and in retaliation for her stealing his weapon, the man smacked her across the face.

Valyria didn't have time to be startled and acted instinctively when she stabbed the dagger into the first piece of skin she saw, which only happened to be his throat, and soon the man was coughing on his own blood.

For the first time since the attack started, Valyria had the time to throw a glance out at the crowds only to see the chaos out there. Some lords and ladies were trying to escape out of the sept while others joined the fight.

Lewyn had joined the fight and was currently fighting by his brother's side. Noticing that the brothers were outnumbered, Valyria ran forward and used her newly acquired dagger to stab one man in the shoulder. The seasoned warrior let out a pained cry and his moment of distraction was all Qoren needed to end him.

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