Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

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Author's note will be at the end.

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Previously on A Gilbert Tragedy

As Stefan and Elena drove away from the car park, Belle began to think. She began to think when she dated Tyler – Matt Donovan's best friend, as well as remembering those same remarks from Jeremy that Elena used on her.

She sighed, wiping her wet eyes, forcing the tears away instead of streaming down her cheeks. "Damon I want to go home..." She whispered.

"So you don't want to go to the Grill then-"

"I said, I want to go home." Belle muttered, interrupting him.

With a slight nod, Damon opened the door for her, watching as she slid in. He then blurred over to the other side of the car, started the engine and began to drive off.

C U R R E N T L Y – B E L L E

Is this a dream? ... Surely this is a dream. Everything's so...unnatural. From lime green flowers to the upside down grandfather clocks. Where the hell am I? I questioned myself. Please don't let this be Wonderland.

Attempting to move my fingers, I grunted as nothing happened. My entire body felt numb, but I was able to blink and turn my head ever so slightly.

"Numbness." A voice chimed in the quiet air. "That's all you feel until you hit the ground."

'The ground? ' I wondered. So there's more than meets the eye I presume. Moving my eyes a little, I noticed that I was floating...flying even.

"Belle?" A familiar voice called out. "Belle!" It repeated, calling my name louder.

My brows furrowed together as I tried to think who the host behind the voice was.


"Elena?" I called out but noticed my lips didn't move. As my eyes widened I tried to say more words, but they only rang in my mind. "Elena!" I yelled louder, not even realising I hit rock bottom.

Standing, I rubbed my back, the flat surface hurting my body. My hands then moved by my sides, whilst my sight moved from corner to corner.

"Belle!" Elena called out again. "Belle! Belle! Belle!" Her voice repeated. Jesus it was driving me crazy.

"I'm coming Elena!" I then followed the echoes of her voice, searching. It wasn't until I came across a small opening when I saw her.

Running towards her, I couldn't help but notice the shadow of our body's covering the light in front of us. Her face remained surprised and drawn as she looked into the shadows. "Elena?" I shook her. "Elena?"

She remained still, her skin pale as the cold winter's snow. She didn't even blink – nor breathe. I sighed, wondering what thing could have done this to her, what thing could make her so frightened...Until the creature revealed itself. My eye's widened as I stared at the figure. As if I was looking into a mirror.


Things soon began to make sense. It wasn't Elena who called for me. It was Katherine. Grinding my teeth, my arms folded; a grim look appearing on my face.

"What did you do to Elena?" I growled, stepping in front of my younger twin sister.

"Nothing. Apart from freezing her movements, so only her eyes could watch. She's a little whiny."

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