Chapter 3

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Hi guysssssss, and welcome to Chapter 3...A lot of you guys are enjoying this story aren't ya! I love you all <333



''She's most likely jealous she doesn't get that type of action with HER boyfriend' Belle thought. Damon looked down, smiling incredibly wide at her.

'Bonnie is meeting us at Caroline's party. She has more info.' Elena informed her in her mind. Belle nodded like her sister could actually see her. Damon gave Belle one of his famous raised eyebrow and the included smirk.

Belle shrugged then got changed into her normal clothing, which was the normal black colour with the jeans. Her pink highlights making her look bold and pretty.

Damon soon clothed fully with his miss-buttoned shirts, the jeans and the shaggy black hair was also finished in its final masterpiece.

"Tonight we shall party!" Belle declared.

She threw her arms up in the air, but then was only to be thrown over Damon's shoulder. He carried her out of the Boarding House, heading straight for the Grill, to waste time until Caroline's party she calls 'Simply amazing.'



T H I R D - P E R S O N

As Damon blurred himself and his girlfriend to the Grill, they both passed by some drunken humans. The two vampires both paused, Damon dropping Belle, turning their attention to the two people.

They looked at each other, before blurring to the humans - compelling them, then instantly sinking their fangs into their necks.

Belle was the first one to pull back, watching Damon almost kill the girl. She smirked, wiped her face with the back of her hand before tapping his shoulder. She, of course, got the silent treatment so she hit him on the back of his head.

He jerked up, his face veiny and his eyes blood-shot. Belle giggled and kissed his bloody lips, only to receive the B-Positive blood slip into her mouth.

Damon deepened the kiss as he blurred them to the nearest wall, letting more blood insert into her mouth as it dripped off his fangs and tongue, once his tongue entered her mouth of course. The two smiled against each other lips and pulled back. Damon wiped the remaining blood with his thumb that stained Belle's bottom lip.

He smirked down at her, resting his forehead against her's before giving her a quick kiss once again. He took her hand in his, walking beside her. Belle slid her phone out of her pocket quickly checking the time.

"We have about 2 hours I would say?" Belle said, looking up at him.

"Just enough time to get drunk then get EVEN more drunk at Caroline's!" He yelled, sounding happy.

"You mean, at Tyler's. The party is at the Lockwood Mansion since Tyler now owns it. Again." Belle corrected him.

They arrived at the Grill and being the gentlemen Damon is, he allowed her to enter first.



I looked down at my precious little being, kissing her forehead and leading her to a seat right in front of the bar. We both ordered a bourbon, mine hard because that's how I like it.

She asked me if she could taste some of my drink, once I received it. I then gave her a straw, teasing her like I did 2 years ago. When I actually first met her. Through Elena.

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