Chapter 24. ✔

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We return. So sorry for the longgggggggg wait guys, you know, school work, yada yada, but you are all amazing for waiting for quite a while x) So I've decided to use some of the idea's that I said I'll use in Chapter 23. We are really far everyone ;D

A little spoiler for you all...This book shall be ending with a mager twist. And yes I'm confirming there shall be a sequel. Thank you if you've been here from the start x)

By the way! I know Vampire Diaries has ended, and Katherine took the cure, blah blah blah but in this story she won't take the cure x)

Enjoy <3



Belle slowly woke up, her eyes squinting from the sun light that slipped in through the half closed curtains. She looked beside her seeing Damon, his face peaceful as he slept. Her index finger brushed under his chin, but no movement came out of him. Not even a flinch.

She smiled a little wide, before climbing out of bed, tip-toeing. Belle tip toed to the bathroom, splashing some water on her face for some refreshment. Once she returned into the bedroom, she saw Damon had moved and now a smirk was planted on his face.

"I know your awake Mr Salvatore" She blushed.

"Mhm." Was all he said.

Damon stretched out his arms before pushing himself against the headboard, in a position of sitting up. Belle giggled, as she gazed at his hair, Damon's nose crinkled, his facial expression became confused.

"Why are you giggling?" He asked,

Belle pointed towards his hair, which was literally out of place - well everywhere. Damon glared upwards, trying to see the thin edges of his hair. His eyes then moved to the mirror in his room, which is where he saw his jet black hair. Damon shrugged before blurring towards Belle, placing his hands around her waist.

"I bet I look sexy" He raised a eye brow, smirking.

She nodded, kissing him gently, her arms wrapping around his neck. Damon brushed his finger tips lightly on her back, continuing to smirk at her.

"So what today Damon?" Belle asked, smiling.

Damon shrugged slightly.

"Well..I would say..Stay in, then go out to the Grill or something?" Belle suggested, earning a wide smile from Damon.



I woke up in a weird-smelly-just plain weird place. Also in a awkward position. I twisted to my side, turning my head upwards, trying to peer open my eyes.

It felt like I was in a cellar...or some what. As my eyes opened wider I continued to look around, that was until feet came closer to me.

"Shes awake.." A rough voice said. I could hear perfectly, but not as perfect as those stupid vampires are.

I coughed ever so slightly before more feet came down, from a far I would say. But how do I know? The whole flipping place is dark.

"What the hell is this?" A slightly chirpy voice said.

"Love .. Its the witch from New Orleans. I had to put her here."

"Exactly why Klaus?"

"Caroline.." Klaus growled.

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