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Prologue – Edited

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New author's note.
So basically I'm writing in a new style,
when you see something like:
B E L L E - and the writing is in third person,
it means that the story is seen through the person's eyes.
However if it says B E L L E - but the writing is in first person
then you know ... its first person.

UPDATE 21.07.15:
I'm trying to center some of the author notes, the names and whatnot.
Bleh. I dislike this new form of Wattpad.

The old was soooo much better.
This chapter is offically edited again!

Happy reading :)

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B E L L E  G I L B E R T ;

With a sudden blink, Belle Gilbert began to wake. Her arms slowly stretched out in front of her, a yawn leaving her plump lips. Blinking a couple more times, she smiled as she realized where she exactly was.

Beside her, lay her boyfriend, Damon Salvatore. Every now and then he would take in deep breaths, trying to stop himself from smirking as he felt her eyes on him.

"Stop staring." He finally mumbled, imagining a wide smile appearing on her face.

"I'm glaring." Belle replied, her voice barely a whisper.

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic." Belle stated.

With a raised brow, Damon opened his eyes, striking blue orbs glaring down upon her. "More and more, every day we begin to sound like Elena and Stefan."

"And is that really a problem?" Belle questioned him, hopping onto his lap with a soft giggle.

A grumble escaped Damon's lips followed by a groan, which led Belle to pout. Her arms slowly folded across her chest as she glared at him. "You're so grumpy."

"Hmm. I suppose so." He replied, his lips twitching into a grin. Damon couldn't help himself but be a little cocky every morning. "Besides; it's like 9 am. Aren't you supposed to be in school Ms Gilbert?" He pondered.

"I guess." She muttered. "I roughly was supposed to be in like ... 20 minutes ago." She told him, a sly smirk on her face as her head bent; her lips brushing lightly on his.

With incredible resistance, Damon shook his head. "No Belle." He mumbled into her lips. "As much as I want to kiss- or make out with you all day...You have graduation soon."

"Since when did you care about my education?" Belle questioned him, her brow now raised.

"Hmm." Damon said, pretending to think. "Never." And with that he smirked before gripping her waist. He then rolled over, him hovering over her, while his lips pressed roughly to hers. Belle's teeth lightly nipped on his bottom lip, while a growl left Damon's lips.

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It had taken at least an hour for Belle to finally arrive in her school. Of course after a make out session she would have wanted a shower.

Walking with her hands stuffed in her pockets, Belle's bag bounced against her side. She sighed, realising that her current class was double History. Surely now she was screwed.

Peeking through the small glass window, Belle hesitantly opened the door. She took a step inside, noticing that the entire class – apart from the teacher was staring at her. Including her sister, Elena and Elena's boyfriend; Stefan.

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