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Rajendra Desai was surprised to see Reena and Kamal in a semi-conscious state , Reena was in Rocky's arms and Kamal was bound up by the maroon men. Sheela ma came and was shocked to Reena and cried " Reena my bache are you okay?". Aditi held her and calmed her by saying "Sheela ma ,Reena is safe and sound ." Rocky looked at her and said "Take Reena inside and make her comfortable I'll meet her after later. Aditi nodded and took Reena inside with Sheela ma. Rocky sat like a King on a single seater sofa and gestured Rajendra Desai to have a seat. "What happened to Reena ?, Who hurted Kamal?, What' happening Rocky?". Rocky gestured Farmaan to explain the incidents that took place in the club, while he was planning the ways to torture Kamal. Rajendra Desai gave a cry in agony , "Reena was right , she said that Kamal was a creep but I was blinded by his act, I almost ruined my daughter's life". Rocky looked at him and said " I am here to make Reena my wife , if you agree with this, our wedding will happen in your presence or" he paused and looked at Rajendra Desai. "Reena's wish was my wish and will be too" said Rajendra Desai and smiled at Rocky and his smile vanished as his eyes met Kamal , and this bastard must be punished continued Rajendra Desai. Rocky looked at him standing up and said "I'll make sure he pays with interest for hurting my queen , I'll go and meet Shona Farmaan take this scoundrel Kamal to our place.

Meanwhile, in Reena's room Aditi and Sheela ma made Reena to change her dress and Sheela ma made her drink a glass of warm milk and made her sleep. After that, Aditi explained everything in detail to Sheela ma. "So he is Rocky , my bache suffered a lot because of him and now why is he back?"asked Sheela ma. Rocky entered the room and heard last part of their conversation and replied in this style "To take her and make her the queen of my heart and the queen of my empire." He glanced at his Shona sleeping like a baby , his heart melted at this sight and his mind travelled down the memory lane and recalled the night he left his mother's amulet with her. His train of thought were interrupted by Sheela ma's question, "You won't hurt her , right?". Rocky faced her and answered "I 'll never even dream of doing such a thing to my Shona , you both must the closest people to my Shona , please tell me about her." So Sheela ma , Aditi and Rocky sat on the sofa in Reena's room, Rajendra Desai joined them. Sheela ma started to narrate how Reena's mom died when she was a baby in a car accident and how she became her full time care taker and how weak is Reena's health as she missed her mother's nourishment in her babyhood, and told about her childhood. Rajendra Desai told how he tried to fulfill all her wishes. Aditi told him about their friendship though she was younger than Reena , they shared a great bond , and also about Kamal's attachment with them.

Silence filled the room ,Rocky understood that Reena was still a small child craving for unadulterated love which she received only from these three people. Each one in the room was filled with thoughts about Reena , the clock struck twelve making each one of come out their thoughts. "Oh its very late I must go home ." said Aditi. "Dear , stay here tonight and leave in the morning" said Rajendra Desai. "Sir , its very late I didn' t serve you dinner , shall I warm up the dishes and set the table?" asked Sheela ma. Rajendra Desai looked at Rocky and Aditi and replied " Set up dinner for three people ," and left the room. Sheela ma looked at Rocky and asked , "Beta, is your friend still here shall I get some food for him too?". "No ma he left to KGF already" replied Rocky. "Ok beta come with me I'll show the guest room you can freshen up there and Aditi beti come down after freshening up" said Sheela ma and led the way to the guest room. "As Rocky entered the room , "Take care of my bache , she has gone through a lot in life, she was so relived and happy when she heard the news of you being alive, take good care of her she deserves the best." Said Sheela ma with a tear running down her cheek. Rocky wiped her tear gently and said "Thank you for taking care of my Shona all these years , I'll shower her with love and make sure she never cries promised Rocky.

Dinner was a silent affair , all three were engrossed in thoughts and food. Rocky went to the guest room as Sheela ma decided to stay with Reena that night, though he wanted be by his Shona's side ,Aditi went to another room to sleep.

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