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Thanks for voting , sorry I could'nt thank you by DM as my college started after a short break. I'll try my best to update everyday. Many of you gave me permission to add mature content , I'll be adding a few scenes in the upcoming updates. I hope you guys will enjoy today's update.

Rocky and Reena came to the dining room hand in hand and found everyone there. Fatima ma smiled at them as they settled down and lunch was served.

Khasim Chacha started the conversation , "So beta when do you plan to conduct the wedding?".

Rocky immediately replied , "The Pandit gave three dates , chacha and shona told she wanted the earliest one , so we are getting married by next weekend." Reena immediately looked at him with wide eyes .

Rocky casually shrugged and said , "Let others also know how impatient you are Shona." The others laughed and got that the impatient one among the two was Rocky.

After lunch Aditi, Reena , Farmaan , Rocky , Fatima ma, Khasim Chacha and Vanaram settled in the sunroom and discussed about the wedding . Vanaram , Khasim Chacha , Farmaan and Rocky discussed about the Security whereas the ladies discussed about the decoration and clothes.

"Fatima ma you must come to Bangalore to decide clothes for the wedding, haldi and mehandi." Said Reena as Aditi wrote down a itinerary for Reena for the whole week .

"Okay beti" agreed Fatima ma. "Ree ,I have made a proper schedule for you just look at this" said Aditi handing out her notepad.

"We have to place orders for clothes , book parlor appointments , invite people, decide designs for mehandi , decorate KGF" Aditi continued. "I must discuss with Papa about the preparations , he must have dreams about my wedding nah" said Reena looking at the list given by Aditi.

Aditi nodded at Reena ,glanced at her watch and said , "Oh its close to six , time just flew we were discussing about the wedding for nearly three hours ."

Fatima ma got up and said , "I'll bring tea for everyone." Aditi immediately said "Fatima ma , please bring Coffee for me and Reena". Farmman and Rocky mentally noted the preferences of their girls.

After refreshments Reena and Aditi strolled in the garden paths sniffing sweet smelling roses , Aditi began the conversation , "Everything happened quickly nah Ree , last evening you were worried about your engagement with Kamal and now you are happily planning your wedding with your Romeo".

This made Reena realize about Kamal , and said "Gosh, I totally forgot about Kamal , I wonder where he is right now?".

"Not very far right , here in the prison of KGF undergoing punishment for hurting my queen" said Rocky making the girls turn around.

Reena went near Rocky and asked "Is he alive?". "He is regretting that he is still alive , Shona" replied Rocky tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Aditi came up to them , and Rocky said "Its time , let me take you both back to Bangalore", and gestured them to follow him back to the mansion.

Reena, Aditi and Rocky walked into the living room and Fatima ma came and said "Dinner is ready come and have dears."

After dinner Rocky , Reena , Aditi and Farmaan boarded the chopper and flew back to Bangalore.

They dropped Aditi first home , Farmaan looked at her longingly but Aditi did'nt notice him as she was busy waving bye to Rocky and Reena and went into her mansion.

They arrived at Desai Mansion and all three went inside Sheela ma received them and Rocky like a good jammai took her blessings making Reena roll her eyes at his chivalrous act .

"Sheela ma , where is Papa ?" asked Reena looking around.

"Rajendra sir and Andrews sir have gone to meet Gurupandian sir" replied Sheela ma.

"Okay then ma , we are leaving" said Rocky looking at Farmaan. To which Reena gave an irritated look and said , "So soon , be with me nah."

Sheela ma said , "Beta, have some dinner before leaving".Farmaan said "We already ate our dinner,ma".

"So what have some from here , dears" said Sheela ma. "Okay before having your dinner here , you come with me" said Reena grabbing Rocky's arms and took him to her nursery , where she spent her childhood and showed him her childhood album.

While , Farmaan struck a conversation with Sheela ma to know more about Aditi.

Unknown to Reena , Rocky slipped a few cute childhood pics into his coat pocket. After some time she took him to her room and filled him with her life incidents until she dozed off on his shoulder.

He made her lie on the bed and covered her with the duvet and dimmed the lights. He found an diary on her side table. It was her journal, making sure that she was in a deep sleep he went through it , she did'nt write regularly it was filled with random moments. He found a booklet made of some colored chart paper , he opened and read it , that was her wish list with nearly a hundred of wishes, some of her wishes made him laugh , while some made him blush. He slipped it into his pocket and found a notepad and a pen and jotted a goodbye note to her and placed a deep kiss on her forehead.

Rocky's note to Reena

Dear Shona,

You look like a cute baby while sleeping , I did'nt have any heart to wake you up. I'll be meeting you tomorrow for lunch and after that I'll accompany you with Fatima ma for wedding dress shopping . I love you a lot. Lots of kisses for you.

Only yours,


He placed this note on her side table and met Sheela ma and Farmaan and had some dinner and left back to KGF.

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