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Thanks for voting for my previous chapter and sorry for the late update

The next day dawned and it was almost midmorning, Roeena were sleeping soundly as they were exhausted. Napa and Noma were restless as time passed , they wanted Reena . The puppies went to their room and scratched the door whining pitifully. Rocky heard a faint whimper and he opened his eyes to see his wife sleeping on top of him. He gently made her lie on the bed and went to the washroom and had a hot shower and wore his bathrobe and went to open the door. He saw two sad little pups , who jumped on him immediately. He gently caressed their head and dragged their dog bed to the balcony and made them lie there as they tried to jump on Reena.

He went and sat on the bed and caressed her head and pecked her forehead. He saw her tired face and did'nt have heart to wake her up. But he gently woke her up by kissing her ears and said , "Shona baby wake up." Reena groaned and buried her face into the pillow. "Baby , please get up and eat something after that you can sleep again." Said Rocky slowly caressing her naked back.

Reena opened one eye and murmured , "You spoiled my sleep last night and now also." "Baby , please nah its not good for you , you need energy , clean your self , eat something and then you can sleep again" Said Rocky pulling the duvet.

He carried her to the bathroom and made her sit in the jacuzzi and filled it with warm water and made her bath and helped her to brush and get dressed into her loose night shirts and carried her back to bed and he changed to his suits and went down and asked the maids to send breakfast for them to their room. He went back to the room to find Reena curled on the bed with Napa and Noma.

 He went back to the room to find Reena curled on the bed with Napa and Noma

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Rocky's Costume

The maid came with the breakfast and Rocky fed Reena and let her sleep and went to his office instructing the maids not to disturb Reena until she wakes up and comes down.

Reena slept the whole day and woke up feeling energetic by late afternoon. She changed into a simple kurti ,took the medicines prescribed by the doctor and came down with the pups. Fatima ma served her lunch and she sat with them till Rocky came back from work. It was almost nine in the night as he returned from work , they had dinner together , he enquired about her pain and she said she was okay, and they retired for the night.

 It was almost nine in the night as he returned from work , they had dinner together , he enquired about her pain and she said she was okay, and they retired for the night

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Reena's Costume

After a week,

She thought about her businesses and decided to call Aditi regarding work. She checked the calendar , it was almost the end of that month. "Its almost month end I must check the transactions and performance sheets of this month and salary for the next month must be issued." She said to herself . At that point something struck Reena , she missed her cycle. He hands went and touched her stomach unconsciously .

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