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They both went to their room as they already had dinner , Reena had a shower changed her clothes and sat on the bed.

They both went to their room as they already had dinner , Reena had a shower  changed her clothes and sat on the bed

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Reena's costume

Rocky's costume

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Rocky's costume

Rocky showered and came out with shorts and a towel in his hand drying his hair , he came near Reena and gave the towel in her hand and kept rested his head on her stomach and wrapped his arms around her waist, she smiled and took the towel and dried his hair after drying she placed a kiss on his head and slowly removed his arms from her waist.

Rocky got up and came with a small box in his hand and gave it to Reena , she opened it and found this

Rocky got up and came with a small box in his hand and gave it to Reena , she opened it and found this

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"Oh Rocky , this is so pretty." said Reena. Rocky lifted her leg and placed it on his chest and kissed her toes and made her wear the anklets on both the legs. Reena came near him and kissed hard on his lips , Rocky stumbled for a moment and let her dominate .They both cuddled and slept.

Next morning , Reena woke up very early and got dressed up and left to the kitchen , she made coffee for everyone ,the way Fatima ma taught her. As she was arranging the cups on the tray , Fatima ma entered the kitchen.

 As she was arranging the cups on the tray , Fatima ma entered the kitchen

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Reena's costume

Fatima ma tasted the coffee and said , "Beti, you never told me that you know to cook this well." Reena widened her eyes in shock and said , "Ma , this is the second time I am cooking in my life." "Then , you are a fast learner and a born cook.

Reena took coffee for Rocky , while Fatima ma served coffee to the others. Reena went up to their room and placed the tray on the side table and bolted the door. She sat near Rocky and caressed his hair , who was sleeping like a baby hugging Reena's pillow.

He sensed her touch and smiled in his sleep. Reena slowly blew on his ears and said, "Wake up monster" , but he did'nt open his eyes. Reena got an idea she went out and brought a basket in her hands , the moment she opened the basket two highly energetic puppies jumped on Rocky making him sit up with a shock.

"Very good Shona , you are scaring your sweet , innocent husband the second day of the marriage itself." Said Rocky pulling a puppy away from his face but the puppy loved his beard and rubbed its face against his , while the other puppy ran around the room and Reena ran behind it to catch it.

Finally Roeena caught both the puppies and Reena held one firmly in her lap and Rocky carried one with his left hand and brushed his teeth with his right hand as the puppies had the energies of the entire people of KGF put together.

Roeena sipped their morning dose of caffine , "We must name our babies , Rocky" said Reena. Rocky almost choked on his coffee and said , "Shona we just got married and you are already thinking about names for our babies." Reena gave him an alarming look and said , "I meant these little puppies".

"Oh , name them Shona" said Rocky patting the head of the puppy on his lap. Reena thought and said lifting the puppy on her lap and planting a small kiss on its nose , "This puppy's name will be Napa and the other one's name will be Noma".

"Umm good choice" said Rocky and placed Noma on Reena's lap and went to freshen up.

"Umm good choice" said Rocky and placed Noma on Reena's lap and went to freshen up

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Rocky's costume

 They both came down with the puppies for breakfast. The puppies had separate bowls near the table , Reena made sure there was food and clean water for them and joined the others for breakfast.

After breakfast , Rocky left for the mines with Chacha , Vanaram and Farmaan while Reena was playing with the puppies . She heard the kids of KGF creating a ruckus about each one being Rocky.

At one point she was curious , she knew people here considered Rocky as God but even the kids? she thought and went towards them and asked them . "Why are you yelling Rocky Rocky Rocky ?" one of the kids said , "She's new here nah , that's why she doesn't know anything , come we'll show."

Reena followed the kids leaving the puppies in their dog bed , the kids enacted how Rocky became their savior. Reena saw all this with a proud smile on her face.

 Reena saw all this with a proud smile on her face

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