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Reena walked back to the mansion and went to the kitchen to find Fatima ma and the other workers preparing lunch , she also wanted to cook for her husband and Fatima ma taught her to make carrot halwa, by the time the dish was ready , Reena heaved a huge sigh and said , "Fatima ma you are great , how do you manage to cook meals for everyone three times a day." Fatima ma smiled and said "You'll know understand this soon." Setting out the plates.

" Setting out the plates

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Soon the men came back and Reena served them along with Fatima ma and finally it was time for dessert. Reena served out the halwa and eagerly waited for their reactions especially Rocky's.

As soon as Rocky ate the first spoon of the halwa , he felt the taste a bit different , a bit familiar and he closed his eyes relishing the dish . Reena who was observing his actions closely was quite alarmed at his action. On the other hand Vanaram had a bit of tears on his eyes tasting the halwa. And Chacha enjoyed the halwa with his eyes closed in bliss.

Rocky opened his eyes which was layered with tears and said , " Fatima ma your halwa reminds me of my ma's cooking." Fatima ma smiled at Rocky and said "Rocky beta , Reena beti prepared the halwa." He immediately looked at Reena whose eyes were a bit wet too , hearing Rocky's words. Their cute moment was broken by Farmaan , "Bhabi , I think I'll finish all the halwa if everyone is busy feeling nostalgic" said Farmaan licking his bowl. Reena understood the meaning of Fatima ma 's words.

Everyone laughed at him , Vanaram and Chacha praised Reena's cooking. After lunch , Rocky and Farmaan went to their office . Reena had her lunch with Fatima ma and others and fed her babies.

The puppies yawned indicating Reena that they needed a nap , she picked them up and went to her room and put them on their dog bed and she also settled on the bed with a book but she also slipped into a slumber.

Reena woke up from her sleep as she felt something wet on her cheeks , she opened her eyes to find Napa and Noma near her. She got up and went down with the puppies tailing her.

She saw Rocky in his mini bar taking out a cigarette she immediately went and snatched it from him before he could light it. "I am okay with alcohol to some extent in this house but no cigarettes" said Reena taking out the cigarette packets and dumping them inside the trash. Rocky stared at her and Reena stared him back with the same intensity , "I am allowed to control you in certain areas and this is one of them , you are harming yourself by doing this , harming yourself is like harming me , the kids here idolize you and you are setting a bad example ,we have two baby animals here and soon we will be having our own babies and you are doing things that will harm everyone."

Rocky understood the meaning of her words and held his ears with his hands and pouted and said , "I am sorry shona, I won't smoke any more." "Promise me that you won't smoke ever and minimize alcohol intake too." Said Reena taking his hand and placing it on her head. Rocky sighed and said , "I promise shona , I won't smoke and try to cut down alcohol."

Reena threw herself into him and said , "Rocky you are a piece of my heart , and I want you to be with me till the end." As she completed this sentence she broke into sobs. Rocky patted her back to make her feel better. He slowly moved his arms around her waist squeezing it a bit and he cupped her face and was about to take her lips their moment was interrupted by Napa.

"Uff" groaned Rocky while Reena smiled at him "I think we must make Napa and Noma sleep with Farmaan" said Rocky surprising Reena . "Why ?" asked Reena . "Really , shona you say you want babies and you want me to do it when the dogs are running around us?" said Rocky making Reena widen her eyes.

She playfully hit him on his arms and laughed. Roeena strolled in the gardens with their puppies enjoying the cool breeze. " Shona , how are you feeling now?, I mean your pain" asked Rocky. Reena looked at him and smiled and said , "I am feeling a lot better now, Thank you."

They were called for dinner by one of the maids , they went inside and joined the others for dinner.

After dinner Reena went to her room and sat in front of the dressing table and removed her ear rings and was about to remove her necklace but she felt a hand removing her neck piece gently she smiled feeling Rocky kiss her nape. He lifted her and took her to the bed.

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