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Rocky and Ryan were busy preparing dishes to satisfy Reena's sweet tooth. After toiling in the kitchen for around two hours they managed to cook what they wanted to. Rocky carried a big tray whereas Ryan carried a smaller tray of goodies. Reena was resting on the sofa reading . Ryan placed the tray on the tepoy and climbed the sofa and sat next to her and hugged her eight months baby bump and kissed it.

Rocky copied Ryan's action and settled on the other side of Reena. Reena smiled at her babies who were competing against each other for her appreciation. Ryan pointed the tray of dishes which had a big cake , a small cake , a big glass of rose milk , a small glass of rose milk , a big bowl of fruit salad and a small bowl of fruit salad.

"Mumma , I made the small tray." Said Ryan. Roeena chuckled at their son and Rocky said , "Shona , I made the big tray." Reena laughed at her babies and took the small tray and began eating the cake making Ryan swell with pride. Rocky's face clearly showed disappointment as he hoped his shona would eat the contents from the big tray. Reena saw this from the corner of her eyes and kept the small tray back and took the big glass of rose milk and drank making Rocky grin and Ryan pout. Reena smiled internally and kept the glass down and got up and walked to her bedroom . "Mumma!" "Shona!" called Ryan and Rocky they knew she was escaping without eating her fruits. Reena turned around and pouted at her babies and whined , "Please my dear bachos , no fruits today nah I'll eat them tomorrow". But Ryan and Rocky made her finish both the bowls of fruits.

Post supper Rocky made Ryan sleep on his shoulders and made him lie on his bed and went to check on his shona who was speaking to Aditi in a happy mood. Reena placed the receiver and turned to Rocky and said , "You know Rocky , Afreen took her first step today." (Afreen is Aditi and Farmaan's daughter) . Rocky smiled at her and forwarded her a glass of saffron milk. Reena made a crying face and tried to throw some tantrum but Rocky force fed her the milk . Reena said , "I have been using the hard pillows for the past two days , today I can't so come" said Reena slightly embarrassed as she was openly craving him. Rocky made Reena lie on his chest and kissed her nose and asked , "Happy?" Reena snuggled to him and said , "Very happy". "Rocky" whined Reena. "Yes , Shona" said Rocky caressing her hair with on hand while his other hand was caressing her baby bump.

"Aditi is calling us to KGF , she is saying that everyone is missing us there." Said Reena kissing Rocky's chest. "Umm, let's go there after your delivery , shona what do you say?" asked Rocky. Reena looked up from his chest and nodded and pecked his lips and slept resting her head on his chest.

The following Saturday ,Rocky planned a surprise baby shower for Reena along with Farmaan and Aditi, in Desai mansion , as per the plan Aditi took Ryan with her to her mansion and Farmaan made arrangements for the baby shower. Rocky took Reena for her check up and after that he took her to Desai Mansion. Everything except for the decoration was made and Reena was too tired to notice any changes they had lunch and Rocky made Reena sleep in her room and slipped to decorate the house. Finally around six the whole house was decorated , Rocky went to wake up Reena with a new sari. He laid next to her and kissed her cheeks and said , "Shona , baby wake up nah."

Kissing her earlobes. Reena stirred and snuggled with Rocky. He smiled and caressed her hairs and kissed deeply on her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw her husband. "What dear, are we going back to our house?" asked Reena hugging him tight. Rocky smiled and came out her embrace , made her sit on the bed and passed the cover. Reena unwrapped it and saw a beautiful sari , she looked at Rocky feeling puzzled. "A new sari?" she questioned him. "Yes , shona we are going for a reception." Replied Rocky.

Reena's costume

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Reena's costume

"Rocky , I am sorry I am tired please lets skip the reception." Said Reena leaning on him. "Please shona , atleast drape this sari for me nah." Pleaded Rocky. Reena agreed to wear the sari and Rocky helped her drape it and made her wear some jewels  . "Happy?" asked Reena as she got dressed fully. "Very happy." Replied Rocky and took her down the steps slowly. Farmaan , Aditi, Ranveer , Radhika , the kids along with Rajendra Desai , Andrews , Fatima ma, Sheela ma , Chacha , Vanaram screamed , "Surprise".

Reena closed her mouth with her palms in shock and looked at Rocky who smiled at her

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Reena closed her mouth with her palms in shock and looked at Rocky who smiled at her. Reena was made to sit on the decorated chair. Rocky made Ryan , Afreen and Ayaan (Ranveer and Radhika's son) to apply haldi to Reena first and they were followed by him and the others. Post-ceremony Roeena were cuddling in Reena's bedroom while Ryan slept with his Dadu and the others went to their homes. Reena was half lying on the bed and Rocky was massaging her legs. She was thinking about her first Baby shower , Rocky noticed her and asked ,"What is cooking in your pea sized brain, shona?" Reena looked at him and said , "I am thinking about my first baby shower and my brain is not pea sized."

Rocky smiled at her and went to wash his hands and settled next to her and Rocky leaned on her. "This time we are opting for painless delivery , right Shona." Said Rocky. Reena thought for a minute and nodded her head. "Last time I had labor pain on the day of my baby shower itself and I was half dead with the labor pain." Said Reena caressing Rocky's hairs. "And I was shivering in fear by the way you were , I cannot forget that sight for the whole lifetime." Said Rocky rubbing her baby bump. He went near the bump and began talking to their baby , "Princess , I can't wait to have you in my arms come soon nah." Reena was caressing his hair , the sound of her bangles was heard. Rocky got up and faced her, "Shona, last time you were made to remove the bangles soon, right." Asked Rocky. Reena nodded in reply. Rocky took Reena's hands and slightly shook them and the room was filled with the sounds of their laughter and the jingling sound of Reena's bangles.

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