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Rocky waited for Reena till she dressed up .She wore a full sleeved white turtle necked top and paired it with blue jeans Rocky gawked at her for two minutes from head to toe , he held out his hand. Reena felt Rocky's gaze on her she felt his eyes roaming all over her body and blushed red as she placed her hand is his. He intertwined their hands and kissed their hands gently and asked "Are you very comfortable in western clothes, Shona?" "Yes very comfortable , why? " asked Reena. "Nothing Shona just like that " replied Rocky. Reena rolled her eyes and asked in a stern tone "You don't like this , don't you?". "No , Shona your wish is mine." Replied Rocky alarmed at her action. Reena threw back her head and laughed and Rocky was confused to see her do that, once she calmed a bit she pulled his arm and led him to her dressing table mirror and made him face the mirror , "Your face , No one can believe you are the monster who is feared by all" said Reena with chuckle. Rocky looked at her face which had a glow with a small smile on his lips , he promised himself that he would never let that curve get straight. They left hand in hand to have breakfast. Reena was shocked to see variety of dishes prepared for breakfast and understood that Sheela ma specifically prepared all this just for her jaamai. Rocky , slowly started the conversation "Uncle ji , as I said yesterday I wish to marry Reena , I know you are okay with this but what about your close associates ?, I don't want anyone to use you or Shona to harm me." Rajendra Desai wiped his fingers with a tissue and replied , "Andrews and I are close friends as Reena and Aditi , he won't try to harm Reena as he loves her like his own daughter but Gurupandian is a dangerous man he can do anything for his personal benefit , we must be careful with him , and as far as the wedding is concerned its all upto Reena to decide." Rocky's eyes met Reena's she looked at him for a moment and lowered her eyes and bit her inner cheek to control her blushy smile. The moment was interrupted by a phone ring , Govind went to answer the call while Sheela ma brought some coffee. Reena thought to make Rocky wait for sometime, as he did. But she soon felt that she could'nt be without him even for a second after they met again.

Meanwhile, Rocky's eyes were fixed on Reena as he tried to read her mind , Govind came in and informed that there is a person from KGF on line , Rocky immediately left the table to answer the call , as soon as he placed the receiver on his ear he heard Farmaan's voice, "Bhai, are you fine , Vanaram bhai , Fatima ma and Khasim chacha are asking for you , we have put Kamal in a prison, what should I do with him , when are you coming? , Is bhabi also coming with you should I inform ma about her arrival , Should I make any preparation...." Rocky cut him "Arey Farmaan if you go on piling up questions , how will I answer?, I am fine I'll reach KGF by afternoon and about Kamal I'll personally torture him and for now find a good doctor to treat him and treat him with Fatima ma's lovely food and about Shona I don't know ." Rocky heard a sad sigh on the other end and he sensed something was not alright and he immediately asked "What is it Farmaan , is there a serious issue?" ,to which Farmaan replied "No, Bhai I thought if Bhabi comes everyone here will be happy and her friend will also accompany her and I will also be happy." , he mumbled the last line but Rocky heard it fine. "Oh my baby brother is smitten ah ." he teased him. To which Farmaan immediately said ,"No bhai just , okay bye ma is calling me." "Hey hey Farmaan" ,Rocky called but he heard the sound of placing the receiver back.He smiled to himself and turned around to find Reena with two cups of coffee in her hands he took one from her and raised his eyebrow giving a questioning look "Shona , Farmaan asked me when will I be bringing his bhabi home , what should I answer him?" . Reena blushed and replied "I was very angry and upset that you never made any attempt to reach me and I had thought of giving you punishments if we ever met again , but after meeting you now I wish to be with you every minute and every second I want you to make up for the time we lost." Stepping closer clearing the gap between them. When Rocky was about to put his arms around her , they heard a throat clearing sound and found Aditi and Andrews.

Aditi had a sly smile and Andrews glared at Rocky for being close with is daughter like figure, Rocky ignored him and smiled at Aditi as she was going to become his sister in law in future whereas Reena smiled politely at them. Rajendra Desai arrived at the scene and exclaimed , "Ah Andrews you are here so soon , I was planning to invite you for lunch." After giving his best glare to Rocky , Andrews faced his friend cum brother, "Aditi told me about Kamal's act last night and I came to check on Reena." Rajendra Desai said "Come lets sit in the living room , I need to discuss certain issues with you all." Soon everyone settled in the living room , Rajendra Desai and Andrews sat on the two single seaters , Aditi , Reena and Rocky sat on a three seater, Aditi made Reena sit her in between Reena and Rocky and winked at Rocky , and he understood her and thanked her silently through his eyes. Rajendra Desai started the talk , "After yesterday's issue I have changed my mind and have decided to get Reena married to Rocky", Andrews immediately interrupted him and asked "Did Rocky threaten you or Reena ?" . Rocky rolled his eyes and grabbed Reena's palm and started to draw circles on her palm making Reena shudder, their hands were well hidden behind their back. Rajendra Desai chuckled at Andrews and continued "No, Reena likes him and feels safe with him , I know you love both Reena and Aditi equally I just want assurance that the love on my daughter will remain the same even after their marriage." Andrews's facial features softened and he looked at Rocky and questioned "Do you think I'll harm Reena or Rajendra to harm you ?".Rocky slightly tilted his head and gave a slight nod. Andrews faced Reena and asked "Beti, I know you since you were a baby and loved you like my own daughter , Do you feel happy and safe around this guy?". Reena was already shivering a bit as a result of Rocky's assault she tried to make her voice sound strong and answered , "Yes , Uncle I like him a lot." And Rocky immediately increased the pressure of caressing , she almost let out a squeal but swallowed it and glared at Rocky. Aditi chuckled at them. Andrews looked at Rajendra Desai and called "Sheela , make some sweets for the Jamaai of the rulers of Bangalore." Reena used this opportunity and jumped from the couch and said "I think Sheela ma did'nt hear you I'll go inform her", and almost ran off to find her ma, Rocky and Aditi smiled secretly while Andrews and Rajendra Desai were confused with Reena's sudden departure.

I just wanted to add some smut and mature scenes in the later updates , are you okay with it or not?

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