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It was almost midnight , Rocky was in deep sleep with his wife in his embrace , while Reena was wide awake. She craved for some yummy carrot halwa, she tried to suppress her cravings and sleep but she could'nt , so she finally decides to wake her husband and say that his "daughter" is asking for carrot halwa.

"Rocky , Rocky wake up" she said near his ears. Rocky woke up with a jump and said , " Shona is it paining , don't worry shona lets go to the hospital fast" switching on the lights beside the bed and taking the car keys. "No no Rocky wait calm down" said Reena shushing him.

Rocky calmed down and saw his wife smiling like a kid and understood that she was having her cravings , "What is it baby?" asked Rocky keeping her palm on her chubby cheek. "Rocky , your daughter wants carrot halwa." Said Reena in her baby voice.

"What my daughter wants carrot halwa?" asked Rocky raising his eyebrows and smiling at her cuteness. "Ok I'll ask Sheela ma to make some tomorrow" said Rocky turning off the lamp. Reena frowned and turned on the lamp on her side and said , "Very good Rocky I am saying your baby needs food now but you are neglecting it , I don't know when you started to change , neglecting us now itself."

Rocky immediately sat and said " Okay baby , I'll ask Sheela ma to prepare for you now itself." And got down from the bed but Reena pulled his arm and said , "No , she is very tired taking care of me all the time if you wake her up and make her prepare the halwa I'll feel very guilty and I won't eat it."

Rocky thought for a minute and checked the time it was past twelve and said , "Okay the five star hotels will be still open now , I'll go and get some from there." Picking up the car keys. Reena pulled his arms again and said , "No five star hotels will add a lot of garnishing and I won't be able to feel the taste of carrot , I want it from an ordinary sweet shop."

Rocky looked at her cute chubby face and had no heart to refuse the demand he went and drove and drove for a long time and found a sweet shop attached with a house . He knocked the door and woke the owner and almost threatened him to prepare a bowl of carrot halwa and returned home and found his wife sleeping hugging his pillow.

"Shona , shona baby wake up na I have brought carrot halwa for you , its hot and yummy get up na" he said turning on the lights. Reena opened her eyes and said furiously , "Oh Rocky you and your daughter have already teamed up and hellbent on spoiling my sleep , now go away" throwing the pillow at him. Rocky turned off the lights and stood up in the darkness truly confused .

Next morning Reena forgot all about the previous night's happenings and walked into the kitchen and found Sheela ma and Rocky there . "Good morning both of you" she greeted them and kissed them both.

Rocky smiled at her and went to get the answer the phone. Sheela ma looked at Reena and asked "Are you troubling Rocky beta a lot?". Reena was shocked and replied , "No ma I am innocent , did he complain about me to you?". "No beti , just asking now here is your juice and I leaving do to some grocery shopping." said Sheela ma passing a bottle of juice to Reena.

After Rocky finished his call he saw his wife curled on the sofa reading a magazine. He went to the kitchen and heated the halwa and went near her.

"Shona , baby see what I have brought for you." Said Rocky . Reena looked up from the magazine and saw him with a bowl of carrot halwa. She immediately got up and pulled his hand and made him sit next to her and said , "Oh Rocky you are sooooo good you know I had dreams of carrot halwa yesterday night and now you are bringing me some, so sweet of you." Squeezed his cheeks with her hand.

Rocky was a bit taken aback by his wife's words and came back to earth as he saw his wife opening her mouth waiting for him to feed him. Rocky spooned out some halwa and fed her, Reena closed her eyes in bliss enjoying the delicacy.

Reena swallowed the halwa and asked Rocky , "So did you bring this on a guess or any other reason" . Rocky looked at her and decided to spin some story but his Reena had a look say-the -truth-or-you -are-done. Rocky narrated the happenings of the previous night and Reena burst into tears for troubling her husband.

"Sorry Rocky I am a bad girl troubling you all the time , I am sorry don't hate me for this." She sobbed Rocky kept the bowl on the tepoy and took her into his arms and consoled her , "Baby you are not troubling me darling, I am very happy to do all this for you and our baby." Reena sobbed in his embrace and Rocky could'nt bear tears coming from his Shona's eyes he cupped her face and wiped all the tears and kissed her eyes and whispered against her lips, "I love you a lot and I can never hate you , even if you kill me with your own hands I can't hate you."

And took her lips with his , they kissed for two minutes and broke the kiss and panted resting their foreheads on the each other. Rocky picked the bowl again and fed her some more halwa and Reena took the spoon and fed him some.

 Rocky picked the bowl again and fed her some more halwa and Reena took the spoon and fed him some

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Reena's costume

Reena's costume

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Rocky's costume

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Rocky's costume

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