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Thanks for all the love and support , when I started this story I never expected that this story would Reach 50 Chapters , nearly a thousand votes and eleven thousand reads. But as I went on with this book, I got support from many people. I always look forward to read your comments, so that I can know the feeling of the readers. My regular readers like AhalyaAjitAjit , Uppalneha , Sandy-xyz , SaraMotani , Ugyfcii , thevirgogirl14 and many more readers have constantly supported me ,  Many many thanks to them. I will be writing a new Royal story based on Roeena. I hope you give me the same love and support.#Roeena 

Two weeks went fast and Rocky took his family on a trip , the destination was still a surprise for the kids. They all boarded their Charted Flight and the kids explored each and every corner with curiosity. Roeena made them sit on their seats and made them wear their seatbelts as it was time for take off. They travelled for around ten hours the kids enjoyed the travel thoroughly and got exhausted and slept it was late night when they reached Paris , Reena went near Rocky and hugged him and buried her face on his chest and closed her eyes as she was quite scared when the flight was about to land. Rocky rubbed her back and had an eye on the kids too , as they were sleeping. 

Once they landed Rocky carried Reya and Reena carried Ryan and completed the formalities and got into the car. Reya woke up as they settled in the car , but Rocky patted her back and made her sleep again. Rocky's blazer was a bit big for him and Reya snuggled into his blazer and slept on his chest. Rocky hugged her tight and caressed her hairs. They reached their Resort and checked-in. There were two rooms in their Suite a small one filled with Mickey's wall paper, bedcovers , pillowcases had pictures of Mickey and Minnie. 

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They made the kids lie on the beds and moved to their big room which had pictures of Disney princesses, Reena roamed around the room checking every picture , bedcover and all freshened up and cuddled on their bed

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They made the kids lie on the beds and moved to their big room which had pictures of Disney princesses, Reena roamed around the room checking every picture , bedcover and all freshened up and cuddled on their bed. 


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