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Hi guysss I am back again. My exams got over yesterday and I'll be updating everyday. So This is my first Chapter after a break . A bit of out of touch as there was a gap . I hope you enjoy this Chapter.

Reena caressed Rocky's hairs as he slipped into a peaceful sleep her mind was consumed of thoughts regarding their future. She wanted her child to grow up with all relations unlike her or Rocky who had a isolated childhood.

She wanted her child to experience the love and care of a grandfather , uncles , aunts. "Papa loves me a lot and will love my child too but will he treat Rocky the way he treated him before , Ranveer how will he take this and Rocky, how is gonna act with everyone , he is possessive and protective of me, how will he react to when everyone in the family loves me or cares for me while he'll be given a cold shoulder" Asked Reena to herself.

She carefully shifted Rocky's head to the pillow and covered him with the duvet and walked to the balcony , her mind drifted to a particular incident which reflected her the level of possessiveness he had for her or could she name it as an obsession.

She carefully shifted Rocky's head to the pillow and covered him with the duvet and walked to the balcony , her mind drifted to a particular incident which reflected her the level of possessiveness he had for her or could she name it as an obsession

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Rocky's costume

"Shona are you ready, baby its already late" said Rocky walking inside the room with a box in his hand. He saw his Shona in a beautiful party wear. He gulped at her attire and hugged her from behind and buried his face on the crook of her neck.

 He gulped at her attire and hugged her from behind and buried his face on the crook of her neck

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Reena's costume

Reena smiled at his act and slightly tilted her head and rested her head on his and said , "Its time for us to leave for the party, Rocky." Rocky grunted and said, "Shona , you look so pretty ." He opened the box and took a pearl set and made her wear it. "Do I have time to undress you and dress you up again?" asked Rocky nuzzling her neck.

 "Do I have time to undress you and dress you up again?" asked Rocky nuzzling her neck

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Reena's necklace

"No way its already 7pm we must leave" said Reena breaking the hug. They went to the party and Roeena enjoyed the party a lot. Reena recognized a few college friends in the party and chatted with them and introduced them to Rocky. There was the then college heartthrob Rohan in the party , Reena was shocked to see him there and politely acknowledged his presence.

There was a popular rumor in the college that Rohan was actually interested in Reena but Reena never made any comment on it. There was a couple exchange dance Roeena went on and joined them and danced when the music changed Reena was whisked away from Rocky by Rohan. She danced with him maintaining a distance as she knew about her monster husband.

Though she was dancing her eyes were searching for Rocky. She found him dancing with some random girl with his eyes fixed on her she followed his line of sight and found it in Rohan's hand which was around her waist. She gulped at this and politely excused and came out of his hold. She walked fast towards the drinks counter and grabbed a glass of chilled water to calm her. She heard a voice behind her , " To the car now". She knew it was Rocky turned and saw him taking leave from the hosts and walk towards the exit she rushed to the car as fast as she could.

The ride was silent and once they reached their room. Rocky punched the Coffee table she touched his shoulder and started , "Rocky , Rohan..." words died in her mouth as her mouth was covered by Rocky's palms . "Not a word Shona , I don't doubt you I am angry on that bastard who touched my shona , I am angry on myself that I allowed him to do that," said Rocky taking a chair and throwing it down in anger.

This created a lot of noise , Reena shuddered and closed her ears with her hands and shut here eyes and flinched . Rocky saw this and was angry on himself for making his shona scared he could'nt control his anger he pushed away the items on the dressing table and he caught the sight of himself on the mirror he looked like a madman he was about to punch the mirror but a soft hand was placed on the mirror where he aimed to punch he saw his wife standing there with tears streaming from her eyes , he could'nt bear to see her in tears he knelt down and covered his face with his hands and sobbed Reena knelt down and gathered him into her embrace.

He met eyes and said , "I am sorry shona , I am very bad I made you cry." "No no Rocky you are not bad but bad tempered you need to control it, and you will I know" said Reena rubbing his back. He cupped her face and kissed her lips , Reena gave in and let him do whatever he wanted. He broke the kiss and lifted her to their bed and again their lips met.

She broke the kiss as she was going out of breath and rested her forehead on his , Rocky removed his shirt and unbuckled his belt and undressed and placed kissed all over her body leaving no place untouched finally he got rid of their undergarments and made love to her again and again. He made himself comfortable inside her and came to her face to face and asked , "Tell me you are mine , only mine." Reena cupped his face and kissed it inch by inch assuring that she belonged only to him and she would never leave him. She caressed his hairs as he slept burying his face on her clevage . She stopped caressing and closed her eyes as she felt his calm breathing . 

Her thoughts came to an end as she felt a pair of arms creeping around her , she smiled as she knew it was her husband and leaned on him. Rocky placed a kiss on her temple and kissed her earlobe and whispered , "Its cold out here ,shona". Reena snuggled into him and said , "Then make me feel warm." Rocky smiled at her and picked her up and went to the room . Rocky cuddled Reena carefully not to hurt their baby. He placed a kiss on her tummy and her lips wishing them both a good night.

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