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Thanks for voting and commenting for my previous Chapters , I might be busy tomorrow , so an extra chapter today. Probably this the longest chapter I have ever written. I hope you enjoy reading this.

The next day dawned , full of sunshine and happiness. Reena was decked up with silk and gold. She was thinking about leaving Rocky and going to Desai Mansion. On the other hand Rocky was busy checking the preparations and the security and did'nt meet Reena from the morning.

He went inside their room to find her dressed up like a doll by Aditi. With her baby bump she was glowing like a goddess. He smiled at her , Aditi slipped out of the room and closed the door to give privacy for the couple.

Reena's costume

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Reena's costume

Rocky's costume

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Rocky's costume

Rocky went forward to hug Reena but could'nt because of her baby bump both of them laughed and Reena turned back and Rocky hugged her from back , as he hugged her baby bump, his fingers could'nt meet on her round bump. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and closed his eyes, Reena felt something wet and jerked her shoulder to make him lift his head.

She found his eyes wet. Seeing that her eyes filled too she said, "Rocky , I will miss you." "Me too baby." Said Rocky. "I will visit you every day." Said Rocky kissing her cheek. She rested her entire body weight on him and snuggled into his neck. Both of them closed their eyes relishing this moment.

They came back to earth as they heard Farmaan's voice. Roeena wiped away the tears and Reena adjusted her eyeliner and Rocky brought her to the hall and made her sit on the decorated chair. "Rocky beta , you start dear." Said Sheela ma.

Rocky scooped some haldi in his hand and applied on her cheeks, hand and feet and made her wear the glass bangles and kissed her forehead. This was followed by Sheela ma, Fatima ma, Rajendra Desai, Andrews, Vanaram, Chacha ,Ranveer and Radhika. Everyone blessed the couple and gave lots of gifts to them.

After lunch Roeena were in their room. Both were sitting on their bed cuddling each other tightly and crying silently. "Rocky, you must eat well and sleep well and take care of yourself well." Said Reena cupping his face. Rocky smiled a watery sort of smile and said , "I must say all this to you but you are telling this to me." "I have Papa and Sheela ma to look after me but you will be alone nah." Said Reena resting her forehead on his, Rocky slightly moved down and took her lips for a light kiss. They broke their kiss and Rocky helped Reena to change into one of her maternity gowns and they both quickly packed Reena a bag of essentials that she might need during her time in the hospital.

They came out of the room hand in hand as Rajendra Desai and Sheela ma were waiting for Reena , while the others had left to KGF. Rocky slowly let go Reena's hand even though he did'nt want to she looked at him sadly and slowly followed her father and moved towards the exit. Rocky closed his eyes in pain as he felt a part of him moving away from him.

Suddenly he heard his shona scream , he opened his eyes and saw his wife struggling to stand with a hand on her bump, he immediately rushed near her and supported her. "Oh God , I think , I need to go to the hospital" said Reena as she felt something between her legs. Rocky lifted her without wasting time and rushed to the car. Rajendra Desai and Sheela ma rushed behind him. Rocky made Reena lie on the back seat resting her head on Sheela ma's lap and Rajendra Desai sat on the front seat .

Rocky drove the car as fast as possible with tears in his eyes , he could'nt bear to hear his wife's cries of pain. He pulled through the Hospital's drive and rushed to get a stretcher. The nurses wheeled Reena into the O.T with Rocky rushing behind them. He took her fist and kissed it and said , "I love you shona." As she was taken inside the O.T

He felt someone touching his shoulder he turned to find his father-in-law with tears in his eyes , "Stay strong beta , everything will go smooth for Reena." Rocky coud'nt stop himself from hugging Rajendra Desai. He saw Sheela ma praying with her beads sitting in one of the chairs, he moved a bit and called Farmaan and informed him that Reena had labor pain.

He came back near the O.T and he could hear the muffled screams of his Shona calling him. The nurse came out and said , "Mr.Bariya please come in your wife needs you." He immediately followed her and wore the surgical suit given to him and entered the O.T, he was taken aback at the sight of his Shona on the Surgery table. She was in intense pain.

She was howling his name, the room was filled with her wails, as soon as she saw him she cried , "Ro- Rocky , its unbearable." He held her hand with his one hand and wiped her sweaty face with a tissue. And said , "Don't worry Shona , it will be soon over."

He turned to the doctor and said, "Doctor, please let Shona have some painless delivery." The doctor replied , "But Mr. Bariya , Mrs. Bariya wanted to have normal delivery we are doing this with the consent of the patient." Rocky growled at this information and just turned to the other side not to scare the medical team.

Suddenly , Reena dropped down with her conscious fading. The doctor moved near her and tried to wake her up. "Mr.Bariya , wake her up, she needs to push." Said the doctor. Rocky also tried to wake her up , Reena slowly opened her eyes and tried to keep them open but could'nt. " Come on baby , I know you are strong please push dear." encouraged Rocky. But every time she screamed he felt the pain of hundred bullets piercing him.

Finally after hours of struggle Reena let out a blood curling scream which was followed by the cries of a baby. Rocky held Reena by the shoulders and made her look at their baby. Reena snuggled to Rocky as the baby was taken for cleaning. "I did it finally." Said Reena. Rocky smiled at her and kissed her deeply on her forehead. The nurse requested Rocky to stay out as she wanted to clean up Reena.

Rocky stepped out to find Rajendra Desai, Andrews, Aditi, Farmaan, Sheela ma, Fatima ma , Chacha and Vanaram. Everyone hugged him and congratulated him. Soon Rocky was called again to see this baby and wife. He first went near the small cradle and saw his son , who was the carbon copy of him. He touched his arm and the baby grabbed his finger and began sucking it , he gently removed his finger and resisted the urge to kiss this cute bundle of joy. He turned to look at his wife who was adoring them. He went near her and sat on the bed and took her into his embrace and kissed her face inch by inch and hugged her close to his heart. "You scared me today, shona." Said Rocky. Reena smiled and lifted her head from his chest and said "I know , you cried more than me." Their eye lock was broken by their little son who demanded attention from his parents by crying. "Lift him nah Rocky." Said Reena breaking the hug. "Shona , me?" asked Rocky . "Yes." Replied Reena in an obvious tone.

Rocky gently lifted his son as if he was made of glass and immediately handed him over to Reena. She took him in his arms and said , "Ale.. Ale.. are you hungry my baby , shall I feed you?" said Reena as she opened the buttons of her gown , pulled the fabric down and helped the baby to latch on. Rocky turned to the other side as soon as he saw his shona opening her buttons. Reena looked up and asked , "Why Rocky? , Why are you turning ?" Rocky faced her and tried to look at her eyes but his eyes had other ideas.

After feeding the baby Rocky carefully took the baby from Reena and made him lie on the cradle. Soon one by one came inside to see the baby.

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