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The head along with her assistants met them and showed them the designs. Rocky and Reena were choosing for themselves , Farmaan sweetly offered to help Aditi to choose her dress design , hoping that his outfit will also match hers. Fatima ma and chacha were selecting for themselves and Vanaram.

Everyone except Roeena selected the designs for their outfits for all the events. "Rocky was not satisfied with the designs available , So the assistants started to sketch some new ideas , but he felt they were not up the mark for his shona.

Finally around three in the morning, Roeena finalized the designs for their outfits. Reena rested her head on Rocky's shoulder and said "Poof it was exhausting." Rocky nudged her gently and pointed toward the couch were Aditi was dozing off with her head resting on Farmaan's shoulder and his head resting on Aditi's head.

Reena saw that and sat up and saw the scene with wide eyes , Rocky said "Don't they look nice together , shona like us ?" Reena looked at him and guessed why was Farmaan buzzing around them , it was for Aditi. Reena asked , "So that was why Aditi was invited to KGF yesterday and Farmaan accompanies you to Bangalore?"

"Yes , Shona I think Aditi is a perfect match for my brother , You both are sisters and we both are brothers , see made for each other." Reena gave a scornful look and said , "Only if Aditi also agrees to this , I'll support your idea or else not."

"Of course shona I know , my brother will surely make himself a place in her heart." Said Rocky . "Mmm I saw that in the afternoon , he was fighting with her for a silly game" said Reena getting up and stretching herself.

"Its time lets go back home" said Rocky as Reena went near Fatima ma to wake her. They all stayed at Desai mansion for the night.

Sun rose and Reena got up, full of beans to find Aditi curled up next to her snoozing away she got up and checked the schedule , it was the day to decide on jewelry .

Sun rose and Reena got up, full of beans to find Aditi curled up next to her snoozing away she got up and checked the schedule , it was the day to decide on jewelry

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Reena's costume

She freshened up and decided to wear a sari to surprise Rocky. She went down to the kitchen to find Fatima ma and Sheela ma chatting with each other preparing breakfast. Reena saw them and greeted them. Sheela ma removed an evil eye from Reena and asked , "Beti, do you want anything?"

Reena slightly lowered her gaze and said , "Yes ,ma I ....I came to make coffee for ..for Rocky". Both the mothers gave her teasing looks and Fatima ma taught her to make coffee the way Rocky likes. She placed the mug on a tray and went to the room where Rocky was staying. She opened the door and tiptoed inside and bolted the door and place the tray on the side table and saw her love lying on the bed sleeping like a baby ,shirtless. Reena gulped seeing the most tantalizing image of her life.She went near him and sat on the bed and slightly pecked his forehead.

In a fraction of a second she was pulled by into a iron grip and she was under Rocky , "Too bad shona I am not a kid to get pecks on forehead" said Rocky. Reena lowered gaze and gave a blushy smile. Rocky gently ran his fingers on her lips and was about to capture them , but Reena covered his lips with her palm and said , "You did'nt brush". Rocky gave an annoyed look and rested his forehead on hers and said. "You're such a mood spoiler , shona".

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