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Reena got up from her seat and said , "I'll just change my dress and join you" . Rajendra Desai and Andrews left to the study to discuss about the wedding. Aditi and Rocky were left alone and Rocky decided to know about Aditi and started the conversation ,"So, Aditi what are you doing , I mean are you in College ?". Aditi replied , "Well I am in my last semester of my Business management course , I am trained in archery and pistol shooting I visit shooting clubs regularly during the weekends , and I co-own certain businesses with Papa and Ree after college I am planning to take care of them." "Oh really, my brother Farmaan is also quite keen in shooting said Rocky and continued , So what are your thoughts on marriage , have you got a boyfriend?". Aditi shrunk her eyes a bit and said , "My only friend is Ree and her only friend is me, I mean we chat with our classmates but they stay a bit away from us because of our Fathers. Rocky nodded understanding how Rajendra Desai and Andrews protected their daughters while being quite successful in the underworld business as well as white collar businesses. Reena grabbed their attention by making her entrance decked up in a red sari with minimal makeup and a small bindi on her forehead.

 Reena grabbed their attention by making her entrance decked up in a red sari with minimal makeup and a small bindi on her forehead

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Reena's costume

Rocky's jaws dropped seeing his shona in a traditional wear for the first time , he did'nt even hear Aditi's teasings , he came out of his trance only when he heard his Shona's voice , "Back to Earth Monster." Aditi threw her head back and laughed. Rocky came to his senses and tried to keep a poker face but could'nt seeing his shona in such a costume. Sheela ma came with a some bags and handed them to Rocky and said , "Beta here are some of my special sweets and snacks I prepared for in a hurry you take them with you , next time I'll make more of my special sweets for you." Reena pouted and said "Sheela ma , you never prepare your special sweets unless we conduct some pooja in our house , and never let us eat until the pooja is over, but you are doing this for your jamaai". Sheela ma chuckled and said , "Of course he is my special jamaai nah ,I'll make them only for him." Reena rolled her eyes and Rocky chuckled at her. Rocky left to make a call to KGF informing them about their arrival.

Aditi's costume (ignore the smart phone and bag)

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Aditi's costume (ignore the smart phone and bag).

Rajendra Desai told Rocky about the dates for wedding and asked him to ask Reena's preferences. Soon Rocky, Reena and Aditi boarded the Chopper sent by Farmaan and left for KGF , during the entire ride Rocky was busy with some paper work and Reena and Aditi enjoyed the ride thoroughly. When they landed they were greeted by Vanaram , Khasim Chacha , Fatima ma , Mallama , Farmaan , the kids and few other maids.

Vanaram , Khasim Chacha , Fatima ma , Mallama and the kids were happy to see Reena , Rocky and Aditi but Farmaan's eyes were fixed on Aditi which did'nt go unnoticed by Rocky. Mallama did aarti to the couple and welcomed them in , Fatima told Rocky "Lunch is getting ready beta, why don't give Reena and Aditi a tour of this place." Rocky asked Farmaan , "Farmaan , why don't you show Aditi our training grounds and shooting ranges , she is also interested in shooting like you." Farmaan thanked Rocky silently through his eyes and took Aditi out. Rocky turned to Reena and held out his hand and asked , "Shall we ?" The others left to carry out their respective chores. Rocky showed all the rooms of their mansion like the living room ,the sunroom ,the study, the library, the kitchen , the dining room, the laundry room and took her up to the first floor and said, "The people working in this mansion live in this wing of the mansion . And Khasim chacha , Vanaram and Fatima ma along with Farmaan live in the other wing of the mansion where our room is present."

"Now lets go to our room" said Rocky gently pulling her into his arms and led the way to their room. They pushed the door open together and walked inside hand in hand , Reena looked around the room .The walls were painted with Black and Silver ,it had a four-poster teak bed in the centre, with an elaborate gold embroidered silk bedspread, a couch on a the side , a round wooden table with two chairs, a TV, a balcony with a swing and few bean bags. Reena frowned seeing the walls plain and asked Rocky , "Why are the walls empty , Rocky?". Rocky smiled and replied , "That is your part Shona , you have to decorate the walls with our memories" , putting his arm around her waist. Rocky held her hand , and led her into the closet there was a dressing room with wardrobes , huge mirrors and further it led into a big washroom it had a shower chamber with class walls on a side and a jacuzzi in the middle , Reena looked at everything like a small child and they came back to the dressing room. Rocky opened the doors and revealed the contents , there were designer saris and lehengas in all colors , "Shona , these are yours , you can wear whatever you like but , wear these once in a while." Said Rocky cutely with a small fear in his voice. And Reena wanted to just pull his cheeks. He opened the next cupboard it was filled with boxes , he took one and opened it, it had a beautiful gold necklace, he took it out and made Reena wear it and turned her around to face the mirror, just made for my queen , "This necklace is made from the gold of KGF" said Rocky pecking her nape. "All these are jewels just for my shona" , said Rocky pointing at all the boxes . They moved to the next cupboard it was filled with Rocky's suits and casuals and the next few cupboards were empty , "These cupboards are yours Shona you can fill them up with clothes of your choice" said Rocky. Reena nodded and they came back to the bedroom. "So, Shona how is our room , do you like it , should I make any changes before you enter this room as Mrs. Bairya?" asked Rocky.

Slight mature content ahead

"Rocky , I really love this room its very nice" said Reena placing her hands on his chest and moving close to him , Rocky immediately pulled her into his arms and his hand slid into her sari squeezing her stomach, she let out a moan and closed her eyes and rested her forehead on his. His other hand further went down and cupped her ass and squeezed it a bit , Reena gasped and lowered hear head and slightly looked Rocky shyly. "So Shona shall we have our wedding by next week ?, the pandit said there is a good muhurth by next week" asked Rocky. Reena was a bit heated up and could'nt open her mouth , and Rocky squeezed her ass a bit more and made her squeal . "Tell me shona are you okay with the date?" asked Rocky again. "Yes..s Rocky" , replied Reena , and rested her head on his chest , she listened to his heartbeats , "Rocky , I can hear your heart beating , this is the best music in this whole world" said Reena snuggling into his embrace.

End of Mature Content

Rocky smiled and hugged her tight and felt his shirt getting wet a bit and immediately lifted Reena's head and found her eyes filled and panicked , "Shona baby why are you crying ?"asked Rocky . Reena slowly replied , "I don't know I feel a bit scared , like everything will be taken away from me." Rocky understood that she was feeling insecured and tightened his hold around her with one arm and cupped her cheek with his other hand and said "See, baby nothing will be taken away from you and no more tears , I want you only to cry in pleasure screaming my name when I make you mine forever ,okay?" Reena nodded her head and smiled. Soon they heard a knock on the door , it was one of the servants calling them for lunch.

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