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Here is the double update commemorate the birthday of our Rocking star Yash.

I'll try to give a triple update. But lets see whether time permits  or not.

Rocky woke up the next morning to see his Shona sleeping in his embrace he kissed her forehead and slowly got up to get dressed up. He remembered his conversation with his wife the previous night and her mature talks. He did'nt have any idea about his wife's ever changing behavior. He got dressed up and ordered healthy breakfast for Reena and woke her up. "Shona, baby wake up nah today is Ranveer's wedding."

Reena opened her eyes and sat up and suddenly she felt something come up in her throat and got up rushed into the bathroom Rocky knew it was her morning sickness and rushed behind her and held her hairs back and rubbed her back . She gargled and washed her face , Rocky passed her a towel and she wiped her face.

They heard the door bell ringing , "I think it's the breakfast , I'll get it you brush and come okay?" said Rocky patting her cheek. Reena brushed and walked into the room to find Rocky with a plate of food. He fed her the breakfast and was about to eat his but Reena took the plate from him and refilled it and fed him with her hands and said , "Though we will have many babies in future, you will remain my first and favorite child."

Rocky smiled at her words and both of them lazed in their room as they had no work to do in the wedding. Aditi and Farmaan joined them for lunch and post lunch the girls started to get ready for the wedding and the poor boys helped their better halves for doing Facial, Manicure and Pedicure.

 Aditi and Farmaan  joined them for lunch and post lunch the girls started to get ready for the wedding and the poor boys helped their better halves for doing Facial, Manicure and Pedicure

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Reena's costume

Rocky's costume

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Rocky's costume

Aditi's costume

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Aditi's costume

Farmaan's costume

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Farmaan's costume

After that Rocky and Farmaan got ready by just changing their clothes. All four reached the Wedding venue and witnessed the wedding. After the wedding Roeena along with Sheela ma reached their Penthouse. The next day Rocky received a call from Reena's doctor asking them to meet them a bit early than their regular schedule. He was worried thinking that something might be wrong with their baby or Reena. He can't even imagine something going wrong about them. He knew Reena would break down , if something happens to their child.

Rocky saw Reena talking animatedly talking with Fatima ma over phone. He waited till she finished speaking with Fatima ma. Once she was done she found her husband watching her and said , "Rocky we must bring Napa and Noma here , Fatima ma is saying that they are turning the house down and I am also missing them." "Okay , shona but we left them in KGF as sasurji often visits us and he doesn'nt like them." Said Rocky sitting near her. "Lets shut the in some room when Papa comes." Replied Reena leaning on him.

She noticed Rocky's face , it was serious and she guessed that was cooking in his brain. "What is dear?  are you okay?" asked Reena cupping his face. Rocky took her hand and kissed it and said , "Nothing much darling the doctor asked us to meet her today." Reena stiffened at this new information and placed her hand on her baby bump and asked, "There won't be any problem na?" Rocky smiled at her and said , "No baby it will be fine just don't worry." Though he consoled her he was very much worried about the news.

They reached the hospital and they were asked to wait in the waiting room for a few minutes as the doctor was still talking with the previous patient. Rocky was tapping his feet as he was feeling impatient and Reena was done with his behavior , from the moment he revealed the news to her he behaved as if he was pregnant. " Stop it right now , Rocky let us face strongly whatever the news is." Said Reena in a furious tone. Rocky was once again amazed to see a new version of pregnant Reena.

A nurse called them inside. The doctor greeted them and assessed Reena and said , "Reena is doing well , I hope you are following the diet chart." Rocky heaved a sigh of relief as he heard the doctor's words. "Thank god , I was worried that there was something wrong with Shona or the baby as you called us early for the check-up."

"Oh I am sorry Mr. Bariya actually I am having a few days off next week, that's why I asked you to come for the check up , I am once again sorry if I made you both worried." "Its okay ." said Reena. "Mr and Mrs Bariya are you ready for the sonography ? , actually we can see the gender of the child." Said the doctor closing the file.

"Yes doctor" said Rocky in an excited tone and both followed the doctor to the next room. Rocky was damn sure that they were going to have a princess but to his shock the doctor revealed that they had a boy. Reena was in cloud nine hearing the news. Though she also wanted a girl so that Rocky will be very happy. She was happy that her prediction had come true and she knew about her husband's ego which was bigger than a big obese African elephant.

The drive back home was quiet as Rocky had mixed feelings he was happy that his shona's wish had come true and sad that his wish was not fulfilled. They reached home and revealed the news to Sheela ma she took away the evil from them and fed them lots of food.

Roeena retired to bed , Reena decided to cheer her husband and asked "Rocky are you not happy with the doctor's revelation?" . "Not like that Reena , I just want some time to process, that's all". Replied Rocky sitting on the bed.

Reena sat near him and put an arm around him and said , "Don't worry dear , this year we are having a son and the next year we will plan for a daughter." Rocky smiled and said "And the year after that we will plan another..." But Reena cut in "No way , only two babies." "Please baby, three nah" whined Rocky. "No way" said Reena and laid down on the bed.

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