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The cockpit was silent as the crest fell out of hyperspace. Not an uncomfortable silence though. Mando and I have traveled together for long enough to not feel Uncomfortable around each other.

Out the window was a very familiar planet, Nevarro. I quietly sighed to myself as we approached the planet's atmosphere. It had never been my favourite place to visit.

The streets were crime ridden and the ground was charcoal black from how volcanic the planet was. It wasn't exactly the most welcoming place in the world. And if you showed up there with no knowledge of the crime world or a weapon, you'd be in a lot of trouble.

The crest lowered down into the atmosphere until it landed on solid ground. Mando stood up first, making his way out of the cockpit and down to the hull before I had even stood up.

I took in a deep breath before I stood up from my chair and made my way down into the hull.

I stepped off of the ladder and into the large hull. Mando was waiting for me by the hatch door that had already been opened. The ramp lowered to the ground and the natural light shone through the opening.

He nodded to me before he turned and began to walk down the ship's ramp. I stepped off the ramp onto the ground. The gravel crunched under my boots as I walked alongside Mando.

The two of us walked along an uneven cobbled path that led through the center of the town. People who lived there were mulling around, visiting different stalls and shops.

Eventually we made it to the place that, if I were being honest, had been dreading. The Guild cantina. It's where all the bounty hunters would meet up, get jobs and get paid. It was times like these that make me very grateful for my mandalorian companion.

Mando walked through the door of the establishment first. I followed closely behind him. Like his own personal shadow. There was a lot of overlapping chatter coming from the people residing in the building.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the place once they had caught sight of Mando, a lot of them turned to stare him down. An aggressive look on all of their faces. He intimidated a lot of the other hunters due to his skill and success rates.

They stared at me with the same distast, they hated Mando. So in turn, they also hated me. The Mandalorian's companion.

Mando paid the onlookers no attention as he walked through the place and towards a table where Greef Karga sat. I followed closely behind him, trying to stay out of the way of the other hunters. One of them would easily lash out at me if I bumped into them. Any excuse for a fight.

"Ah, that was fast." He greeted them "did you catch them all?"

As a response, Mando placed the handful of tracking fobs that he had on the table in front of Greef Karga. He was never one for talking.

"Good. I'll begin the off load." Greef karga responded after counting through the tracking fobs that Mando had given him.

He turned and spoke huttese to someone across the bar.

Mando unclipped his pulse rifle from his back and placed it on the table, taking a seat across from Greef Karga. He slid along the bench so that I would have space to sit next to him. A feeling of gratitude washed over me as I perched on the seat.

Greef Karga then put some credits on the table next to the tracking Fobs.

Mando looked down at them in disapproval. "These are imperial credits."

"They still spend." Greef Karga replied.

"I don't know if you heard, but the empire is gone." Mando said in response

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