The Survivors

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The large fire crackled softly as smoke billowed Into the night sky. Food roasted slowly over the open fire and I couldn't help but laugh at the way Grogu kept looking over at it with stars in his eyes. The only thing that this night was lacking, was talking. The large group of Mandalorians stood around the fire, but it was practically silent.

Bo-Katan then decided to break the awkward silence. "Mandalorians. It is time to retake our homeworld. Even though the planet is not cursed, there are still dangers. Dormant species have been awakened from the bombings. The remaining magnetic interference has made it impossible to scan the surface from above the atmosphere. Which is why I'm proposing that we leave Nevarro and move the fleet into orbit above Mandalore. We send down a small recon party. We'll scout the surface, find out what remains of the Great Forge, and establish a safe perimeter."

"Only then, will we bring down the others. I need volunteers from both tribes." Bo-Katan stated. Silence fell over the group as they all looked around at eachother or down at the ground, waiting for someone to go first. It didn't take long for Din to stand up from his place beside me.

"I will go. Grogu and my Riduur as well." Din said. I glanced up at him and he held his hand out towards me. I took his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull me up onto my feet so I could stand beside him. Bo-Katan nodded to us in thanks.

"I will go." Kosta said as she stood up from her seat with her helmet tucked under her arm

Axe Woves was the next to stand up. "I will go."

"I will go." Paz Vizsla said as he stood up as well. Several more Mandalorians stood up and put themselves forward to go with us to Mandalore. The final person to put themselves forward for the mission was the armorer herself.

"I will go as well." She said as she stepped towards Bo


"Are you sure you're okay with going?" Din asked me again as we walked over to the N-1

"Yes, I'm sure. I want to help." I reassured him. I've been with him for every step of this journey, of course I would be going with him.

"Thank you, Cyar'ika." Din said gently. He placed his forehead against mine for a moment before he pulled back and nodded his head towards the cockpit of the N-1

"Get in. I want to show you something." Din said. I cocked my head curiously but climbed into the cockpit nonetheless. Din climbed in after me and shut the glass canopy above uh before taking off.

Din's hand rested on my thigh as we flew across the rocky planet. I placed my hand over his as I watched out the window, curiosity taking over me. It didn't take long for me to spot what it was that he wanted to show me. Just below us was a spring of geysers and large bodies of water.

"Wow. I didn't even know that Nevarro had lakes." I said as Din lowered us down just a few feet away from the water.

"I spotted it a while ago and I've been wanting to show it to you." Din said gently as his thumb rubbed against my inner thigh.

"It's amazing." I said as I stared out the cockpit window. While my focus was on the view in front of me, I heard a familiar quiet hiss from beside me. I turned my head towards the sound only to be met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes. My own eyes widened as I took in the face of my Riduur. Even though I had seen his face many times now, it still shocked me to see it.

"Hi." I muttered as I traced the features of his face with my eyes.

"Hey." Din Said with a small chuckle, amusement sparkled in his eyes at how flustered I was.

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