A change of plans

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The fallen foliage crunched under my boots as I walked alongside Din. He held the child-Grugo, in his arms. It's still strange to call him by his name. But I'm grateful that we finally got to know it. Ahsoka was leading us through the dead forest, she was going to test the child's force abilities.

Ahsoka stopped and turned to face us. She stepped up to the child in Din's arms with a kind smile. "Let's see what knowledge is lurking inside that little mind." She tapped Grogu lightly on the nose.

Ahsoka stepped back and gestured for Din to place the child on a moss covered rock. He gently placed the child down and he began to babble to himself. I smiled fondly as Din gently rubbed Grogu's back.

Ahsoka bent down and picked up a small rock. Like what she had done with me, she had probably been testing me too. Well, she definitely was.

Din and I walked over to Ahsoka so we could watch Grogu. He looked between us with his head tilted, I could tell that he didn't really understand what was going on.

Ahsoka held her hand out, the small stone resting on her open palm. I felt the feeling of the force increase as Ahsoka tapped into it and turned her hand. True small rock floated out of her hand and she pushed it gently towards the child. I watched her with fascination, her control was amazing. Beyond what I'd seen before.

The rock slowly drifted through the air towards the child. Grogu had his little hands outstr towards the rock. It floated into his hands and he cooed gently.

Ahsoka held her hand out again. "Now, return the stone to me, Grogu."

Grogu stared down at the rock with his ears furrowed, he didn't want to let go of it.

"He doesn't understand." Din said

"He does." Ahsoka confirmed. Grogu whined and dropped his ears, looking down at the rock sadly.

"It's okay." Ahsoka prompted with her hand outstretched. "The stone, Grogu."

Grogu suddenly dropped the stone on the ground. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong, but he looked sad. His ears were drooped and his eyes were almost shut.

Din sighed and Ahsoka dropped her hand. I fiddled with my fingers as I looked at his sad features. I wanted to find some way to cheer him up but I'm not sure what the problem is.

Ahsoka sighed and walked over to Grogu. She bent down and picked the stone back up again. She looked at him for a moment before she took his small hand in hers.

"I sense much fear in you." Ahsoka said. I furrowed my brows slightly as my chest clenched. Though the child seemed to brighten up a bit.

He babbled and his ears went back up again. Ahsoka stood up and walked over to us again. "He's hidden his abilities to survive over the years."

I frowned gently at the child. "That I can understand." I muttered

Din turned his head to look at me. In the corner of my eye I saw him tilt his head, his gloved finger gently brushed against the back of my hand. I wanted to move my hand to hold his, but Ahsoka brought me out of my thoughts.

"Let's try something else. Come over here." Ahsoka asked

"He's stubborn." Din said when Grogu didn't move.

"Not him. You. I want to see if he'll listen to you." Ahsoka said to Din.

Din moved past me and stood between Ahsoka and I. I clenched my hand to my side as I tried to ignore the urge I still had to hold his own.

"That would be a first." He said

"I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable." Ahsoka as she handed the stone to Din. He looked down at it before he gently took it from her.

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