A bad present

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Cheering and laughter erupted all around me as the door to the palace room opened automatically. I could see the dutchess, Captain Bombardier and Grogu standing on the games court alongside other members of their party. Through the joyous sounds fell silent at the sight of the three of us walking the commissioner across the room.

"What are you doing with Commissioner Helgait?" Captain Bombardier asked in confusion

"We found the cause of your malfunctions." Din stated

"Is this true?" The Dutchess asked with a sanded tone

"I'm afraid it is, M'Lady." The commissioner said

Captain Bombardier shook his head in anger. "Despicable."

"If that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy." The commissioner scoffed angrily

"I beg your pardon." Captain Bombardier asked angrily
"This planet is unrecognizable since he arrived." The commissioner stated

"I had a feeling you hated me." Captain Bombardier stated

"I'm disappointed in you, Commissioner. You served my family well. But Captain Bombardier is the love of my life.
And I know his heart is true. Sure, he's made some mistakes in the past, but who here among us has not? Is there no room for a little bit of forgiveness in a galaxy so vast?" The Dutchess said

"I am sorry to have disappointed you, my lady. Perhaps someday I can earn such forgiveness from your Grace." The commissioner said

"Perhaps. As for now, you must live in exile on the moon of Paraqaat." The Dutchess stated. The commissioner bowed his head in understanding and turned to leave. The small security droids began to escort him out of the room.

"And as for you, Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, Din Djarin and Celeste Djarin of Concordia. I grant you audience with our deployment of Mandalorian privateers. I also give you both our highest honor, the key to Plazir." The Dutchess said. She then turned around and reached out to take a hold of a large metal key. Bo-Katan stepped forward and took it gratefully.

"You will always be welcome in our doomed paradise." The Dutchess said

"M'Lady. M'Lord." Bo-Katan said with a nod of her head.

The Dutchess then turned her attention to Grogu. "And to this little one, I grant knighthood." She said as a sword was placed in her hand. I couldn't help but smile at that.

The Dutchess tapped the blade on Grogu's shoulders gently. "You are now a knight of the Ancient order of Independent Regencies. Go in peace, brave travelers. Until our paths meet again."

"M'Lord. M'Lady." Din Said courteously as he stepped forward and picked up Grogu. I bowed my head in respect before I turned around and began to walk towards the door. This sure has been one of our stranger missions.


The hyper pod raced out of the large dome towards the outskirts of Plazir-15. Grogu sat across from me in his pod with a curious look on his face. My fingers were intertwined with Dins causing my chest to stir with something warm that won't ever go away no matter how long we have been together. Bo-Katan stared out the window with a grim look on her face as we got closer and closer to her old friends.

"Now approaching landing field three." A woman's voice said over the intercom.

"They're Mandalorians. You're their leader. They're going to follow you." Din stated

"I'm not their leader anymore. Axe Woves is." Bo-Katan said firmly with a sad tone.

"Then what's your play?" Din questioned.

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