The prison

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I carefully stepped out of the way as Mando lowered himself down into the hatch and landed carefully on his feet. We glanced at each other in secret understanding. I had been travelling with him long enough to be able to read him without needing to see his face.

I took a glance around the transport ship, we were standing in a long, white hallway that was dimly lit by strips of lights. There were cells lined up on either side of the wall.

"All right, we're on the clock. When we engage those droids, they're gonna be all over us." Mayfeld said as he checked around the corner.

"I know the drill," Mando said

"Bio trackers activated. I've got eyes." Zero spoke over the com.

"All right, let's go," Mayfeld said. He quickly led the group forwards, he had his blaster drawn in front of him.

The group began to quietly jog along the corridor, I stuck close to Mando's side, I didn't want to get too close to Xi'an or Burg.

They turned corner after corner, rushing down the new republic ship in search of the prisoner they had come for.

Prisoners stared at them through the bars of their cells as they made their way along the corridor.

"I don't like this." Mando said tensely, I strongly agreed with him. This place was putting me on edge.

"You always were paranoid." Xi'an mocked him

"Is that true, Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfeld asked him mockingly

Suddenly, a prisoner grunted and rammed himself up against his prison door. The sudden loud noise caused Mayfeld to jump and spin around, he quickly aimed his blaster at the door.

Xi'an snarled back at the prisoner, causing Burg to laugh.

I raised my brow at Mayfeld. "What were you saying about paranoia?" I mocked him. Taking great joy in being able to do so.

"Approaching control room. Make a left at the next junction." Zero said

They came up to a corner, Mayfeld cautiously peaked his head around the corner to see if anyone was there. He waved his hand once he had deemed it clear.

Mando ran out from behind the wall and made his way to the other side of the hallway with his blaster drawn, he hid himself behind one of the sections of the wall that stuck out.

He then waved his hand at Mayfeld who came out from behind the wall and hid behind the section opposite Mando.

Xi'an, Burg and I then came around the corner. I stuck close to the right side of the wall while Xi'an and Burg confidently walked down the middle of the hallway.

Mando and Mayfeld then came out from where they were hiding. Mando came and stood next to me as they continued to walk along the hallway.

All of a sudden, a mouse droid shot out from another junction, I jumped slightly from the unexpected movement. I hoped that Mayfeld didn't notice and take the opportunity to mock me back.

"What? It's just a little mousey." Burg said, he then crouched down towards the mouse droid with his blaster hidden behind his back.

"Come here, little mousey." He called out to the droid.

"Burg." Mayfeld said warningly

Burg sighed in annoyance and pouted like a child when the mouse droid began to scuttle off. He raised his blaster at the mouse droid as it left and shot at it.

"No! Burg, what are you doin'?" Mayfeld shouted at him

"What?" Burg asked

Two security droids suddenly ran around the corner with their blasters raised. "Intruder alert. Open fire." The droid said

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