The unexpected culprit

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Bright neon signs lined the dark street of Plazir-15, they were almost blinding as they reflected off of the shiny black flooring. It was easier to take in my surroundings when we weren't chasing down a massive battle droid on a rampage.

"Let me do the talking in there." Bo-Katan said as we walked towards the droid bar.

"Why is that?" Din asked. I looked over at him with my eyebrows raised. My husband may be good at talking to a multitude of different species, but droids are an entirely different story.

"Because I wanna get the information fast and get to the fleet." Bo-Katan stated

"So do I, what's your point?" Din asked, I tried hard not to snort at him as images of him kicking droids came to mind.

"You cannot talk to droids in a...civilized manner." I tried to speak gently, not wanting to offend him.

"Exactly. You kicking droids is really not helpful." Bo-Katan stated in a more blunt manner.

"I figured out which one was malfunctioning, didn't I?" Din asked rhetorically.

"Yes, you did. You handle the beating up, Bo can handle the negotiating." I said with a smile as I bumped my shoulder playfully against his.

"And what will you do?" Din asked with an amused tone as he bumped me back.

"Save your ass when the beating up goes wrong, of course." I said, my smile only grew wider as we continued to bicker back and forth.

"This is the address." Bo-Katan said as we came up to the entrance of the droid bar. Din walked up to the door and pressed the button on the control panel to open it. The door hissed open and Bo walked in first. Din gestured with his hand for me to go first. I gave him a grateful smile as I stepped through the door after Bo-Katan.

The sound coming from the bar was lively and cheerful as they enjoyed themselves without anyone around, I almost felt bad as we stepped through the doors into the bar. The music and the talking immediately halted as they all turned to look at us. The atmosphere immediately felt awkward and tense as the droids stared us down.

Bo-Katan took the lead as we began to walk down the steps towards the bar. The droids stayed completely silent as we walked through the bar.

"I don't think they get many of our kind here." Din muttered

Din, Bo and I approached the bar and a droid finally decided to speak up. "Can I help you?"

"That depends. Is this the Resistor?" Bo asked

"This is." The droid replied

Din tossed the spark pad onto the table. "That spark pad was found on a rogue battle droid."

"We give out lots of spark pads. What are you getting at?" The droid asked

"There has been a string of malfunctions that all point to this oil can." Bo stated

"You can check my registry. We are in full compliance with planetary hierarchical..." The droid was cut off when Din suddenly picked up a small taser from the bar and held it up to him.

"If you don't start answering questions, I'll yank your memory circuit and dissect it back at the lab." Din threatened. All of the droids started to shift uncomfortably and some of them even started to try and leave the bar.

"Nobody leaves." Din stated firmly as a translated droid attempted to leave.

"A word." Bo muttered to him with a fake smile.

"Stay where I can see you." Din stated to the bartender droid as the three of us moved away from the bar.

"What are you doing?" Bo-Katan whispered angrily to Din

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