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Kidnapped at the age 4 been gone for 12yrs
Mom's POV

Today was just a normal day like always, or so I thought.

"You guys ready to go to the park?"

"Yea"!!! All my kids answered with excitement

"Ok let's go then."

(At the park)

"Ok we here."

"Yay!" My kids said as I watch them get out the car running onto the playground

The only one that didn't get out was Nicolas.

"Nic you okay?"


"Nicolas what's wrong?"

  "On our way here I saw 2 (he held up the number 2) black cars following us."

As he said that I looked around the parking lot,and saw my body guards' cars.

"Those are just our body guards, relax." I told Nic.

"Right." Nicolas sighed.

"Now come on." I said unbuckling my self and getting out the car at the same time as Nic.

"Go play." I told him

"As soon as I said that he started running to play with his brothers and sister,while I went to sit on the bench."

(Half an hour later)


All my kids except Nicolas yelled as I looked up from my phone.

"Yes,is everything okay? What's wrong? Where's Nicolas?" I asked worried.

"He's gone, we looked everywhere but we can't find him." Marcus says worriedly.

"Are you sure you looked everywhere?" I asked.

"YES!!" My children yelled crying.

"Ok,let me call your dad." I said trying to keep my voice steady and calm

As the phone rang I looked around trying to spot my bodyguards,but just like Nicolas they were no where to be found only there cars were here.

"Hey baby." Josiah my husband said

"JOSIAH, this is all my fault, I should've been watching him instead of being on my phone all this time."I yelled into the phone.

"What is it baby?" "What's wrong?" Josiah asked worried.

"It's Nicolas,he's gone!"

Word count:308

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