Chapter 3

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I wake up to my alarm,and I reach down in my backpack to get my phone and turn it off. After I turn it off I set my phone on the dresser and then i hear loud voices.

"Bitch give it back"
"Make me"
"I'm go murder you"
"Is that a threat?"
"Sit down and shut up,if y'all keep yelling Nicolas go wake up"

I don't know who the voices belong to except the last one,it was Diego.

How he go tell them to stop telling but he just yelled.

But it's to late now,I'm already up. I grab my phone charger,then plug it into the outlet beside my bed,then plug my phone in and sit it back on the dresser.

I stretch then get up,open my suitcase,grab my toothbrush,toothpaste,boxers,and my clothes.I then head to the bathroom,turn the shower on,brush my teeth,get a face towel and dry off towel from the closet in the bathroom,then sit my clothes down then go grab my face towel and get in the shower.

I then bathe twice before getting out and drying off,i put my boxers on along with an all white shirt,a brown sweater,and brown pants.I clean up the bathroom putting my toothpaste and toothbrush in the mirror since it opens,grab both of my towels and my clothes. I put the clothes in the laundry basket outside of my door along with the face towel,and fold my dry off towel and set it on my bed.

 I put the clothes in the laundry basket outside of my door along with the face towel,and fold my dry off towel and set it on my bed

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If you don't want to imagine the images I put you don't have to,this is for the people who want to use this.

I got to my suitcase and grab my deodorant,put it on then set it on my dresser,and put my silver necklace on with my white hanging above it. I then put white socks on and head downstairs.

I hear quite voices but they get louder as I get closer. Once I'm in view everybody turns to look and me and says...

"Is that really him?"This guy that's looked exactly like me said,while running over to hug me,but before he could I took a step back and he looked sad,I kinda felt bad but I don't know him.

"Get out" Another guy says,I just look at him with a look saying 'I don't want to be here Neither'

"Brother"? This girl with beautiful curly hair and watering eyes says, i just give her a small smile.

"Yes" "yup" M and D says answering their questions

I take one more look at them before going in the kitchen,and go to find something to eat.

I was about to open the refrigerator but then Diego told me that there were waffles on the stovetop so I just fixed me two,with powdered sugar I found in the cabinet,and fruit I got from the fridge.

I was about to open the refrigerator but then Diego told me that there were waffles on the stovetop so I just fixed me two,with powdered sugar I found in the cabinet,and fruit I got from the fridge

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