Chapter 14

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I get up and get ready like normal,great my family and make my way to school.

I actually made it to breakfast today but I just went to the library and ate my breakfast I brought since I didn't eat at home this morning.

Alanii and Jayden are supposed to be here later on today so I'm excited for that.

Alanii and Jayden are supposed to be here later on today so I'm excited for that

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I hear someone clear their throat so I look up and see Dylan.

"Hey." I say with a small smile.

"Hey,what are you doing here,instead of the cafeteria?" Dylan ask.

"I prefer not to be around so many people." I tell him.

" What are you doing here?" I ask with a confused expression.

"I come here everyday for breakfast and lunch,except for yesterday and was just coming over to ask if i could eat with you." he said shyly.

I saw food in his hand but I just didn't think anything of it.

"So can I eat with you?" Dylan asks.

I just nod yes and he comes to sit beside me.

{Time skip After school}

I knock on Diego's office door waiting for him to answer.

When I hear a come in I enter.

I see him writing something on paper,but as I walk in he smiles up at me.

"Hey." Diego says to me smiling as he moves the paper he was writing on.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could go to my friends house for a few hours."

"Who are these friends?" Diego ask going all in older brother mode.

"Alanii and Jayden,I met them in foster care and we've been friends every since their parents decided to move down here and see what it's like." I tell him.

"Well yes you can go but I need they address and phone numbers." He tells me all serious.

"Well they are already coming so you can get it then." I tell him getting ready to leave.

"Damn you already invited them without asking." Diego says with a chuckle.

"Be grateful I even asked to go over they house instead of just leaving." I say in a playful but serious tone.

"You right." Diego says shaking his head.

"Also I didn't forget what happened with Eugene, and I have questions." I tell him.

He looked alarmed at first but eventually he looked calm.

"Shoot." Diego tells me.

" But I can wait till after I get back"I say.

"Speaking of,they are outside." I say already leaving.

But as I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me and already know it's Diego.

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