Chapter 13

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My best-friend,she actually here.

Well let me give you a little back story.

While me,Alanii,and Jayden were in foster care,we also met someone else.

Her name is Emma,she was older then us so she left before us but we kept in contact with her.

And then out of nowhere she just stopped responding to our text and calls.

When we went to live with honey,we had tried to track her down but we couldn't find her.

One day we had went on a mission to capture our enemy james,he was the head of this organization that killed,kidnapped,trafficking and more.

What we didn't know was that she was working for him.

So not only did we have to take him out,we had to take her out too.

I had shot a bullet straight through her head,or so I thought.

As I'm zoning back in I hear my name being called.

"Nicolas!" I hear a shout,I look over to see Marcus shouting my name.

"I've been calling you every since they left to the dining room." Marcus says.

"Are you okay?" He asks me with a concerned look on his face.

"Yea,I just zoned out,come on let's go." I tell him shaking my head and walking to the dining room.

As we get there I see everyone seated,talking amongst themselves.

When we enter everyone turns their eyes towards us,but we just ignore the stares and go to sit down.

Once we sit down the maids bring us our food.

"Thank you." I tell Sasha,she the one that brought me my food.

"No problem." she tells me giving me a smile.

"So last time I saw you guys it was only five of you

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"So last time I saw you guys it was only five of you." Emma says with a small smirk.

"Yea,we found our brother,the one we had told you about." Noorie tells Emma with a fake smile.

I can tell she doesn't like her.

"Well welcome to the family." Emma tells me.

Cause first off why you telling me that and your not even apart of it?
Make it make sense.

The rest of the dinner went fine I guess,Emma was just smirking every time she looked at me.

{After dinner}

"Thanks for having me over." Emma tells everyone with that fake ass smile.

"Yea it's no problem." Rafael tells her with a grin.

"And Nicolas it was a pleasure to meet you." Emma says pulling me into a hug.

But as she pulls me into a hug she whispers in my ear.

"Are you ready to play?" And after that she lets go,hugs everyone else and leaves.

She does know I'm gay right?

I go upstairs and get unready,then call Alanii and Jayden.

They told me that they were coming to LA.

This is only the beginning.

Word count:478

My word counts be low now in days.
But thank y'all for 2.42k reads!!!!
Tbh I had just started this book for fun and now I'm at 2k like what.Stay safe tho🤎🤎

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