Chapter 19

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After running and walking for what felt like a good hour I finally reach civilization.

I can't use a pay phone because well,I don't have any money,and every time I try to ask nicely to use someone's phone they always look at me weird.

I guess I'm going to have to steal a phone.

I walk by this club where people are exiting,as i walk pass this girl I "accidentally" bump into her.

"Oh,I'm so sorry."I say pretending to fix her jacket but I'm really taking her phone.

"Youu can hump into mee any day."she says extending her words and not saying them right.

"Chelsea leave the poor guy alone." Another girl which I'm assuming is her friend says.

I just walk away with her phone in hand.

Once I get to a area with little to no people I pull out the phone.

After 3 tries I finally crack the code,it was her name but I didn't know how to spell it at first.

I decided to call Alanii,and before the first ring was even over she answered the phone.


"Alanii slow down"I say to alanii trying to get her calm.

Before I speak again I hear her take a deep breath.

"I don't know exactly where I am but I know I'm a few blocks from this club called Midnight"I say to alanii hoping that's something to go off of.

"Ok I'm here with everyone else,Rafael is looking for the club you just spoke of to get your location."

"Or you can just track the phone I'm using."I say just now thinking of that.

I'm really off my game,I need to wake the fuck up.

"Why didn't you say that the first time"Rafael says.

"Just do it ok"I tell him tired mentally and physically.

"Hey,are you hurt?"I hear someone ask me over the phone,I'm too tired to even try to guess who said it.

"A few cuts here and there nothing to major"I say to the unknown voice.

"I FOUND YOU" I hear Rafael scream out loud happily.

"Yay now come and get me"I say just wanting to leave,take a shower and sleep.

"We on our way"I hear Jayden say.

{10 Minutes later}

I hear a door shut and lots of foot steps so I look up and see my family.

Diego comes and picks me up walking over towards the car.

Once they make sure I'm buckled in everyone gets back in the car and we head off.

I get a lot of questions asking on if I'm okay and what not but I don't answer them.

As we're driving I begin to give into the darkness and before I know it I'm asleep.

{The next morning}

I groan as I begin to wake up feeling sore.

I begin to look around at my surroundings confused,as everything rushed back into my mind like a tsunami.

I force myself up and head towards the bathroom.

I look like how I feel,and I feel like shit.

I see my cuts banged and I look down to see that I'm in different clothing,I'm assuming either Alanii or Jayden changed me.

I step into the shower enjoying the warmth it gave me before I got out.

I do my regular morning routine and got to find something to wear.

Once I get done getting dressed I go downstairs all while preparing myself to explain

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Once I get done getting dressed I go downstairs all while preparing myself to explain.

Once I make it downstairs I see my brothers,Jayden And alanii,and some unknown people.

Everyone seemed to be relaxed around them so I didn't think much of it.

I was about to go and fix me something to eat but before I can I'm engulfed with hugs from different people,even the people I don't know.

After I awkwardly pat everyone I could reach back I go over to the kitchen place to fix me something to eat all while answering questions that regarded my health.

Are you okay?
Do your scares hurt?
Do you feel faint?
And so on.

"Here let me" Noorie says taking all of the ingredients from me and she starts making my food.

I go to sit at the table patiently waiting for my food.

I go to sit at the table patiently waiting for my food

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Once I receive my food I don't hesitate to eat.

And as I'm eating I feel many eyes on me so I look up and when I do I see everyone staring at me.

"I guess we all have some explaining to do." Marcus says all serious and shit.

I just sigh and continue eating.

Word count:796
I think it's going to to be more than 22 chapters but thats fine.
Stay safe y'all🫶🏾

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