Chapter 1

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Nicolas POV

"NICOLAS GET UP RIGHT NOW!" my adoptive mom says.

"I'M UP!" I yell as I get out of bed making my way out of my room into the hallway bathroom.

Once I get into the bathroom I brush my teeth,and wash my face. I was about to take a shower but then realized that I didn't have any clothes, so I left the bathroom and went to my room to grab my school clothes.

{after the shower}

After I put on my clothes,I was wearing a all white shirt,with a grey Nike zip up jacket,with matching pants,and my Jordans

I got my backpack,put my pencils and sketch book in since all my other stuff was already in my backpack,zipped it up,put it on and headed towards my desk to get my watch,after I put my watch on I headed downstairs

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I got my backpack,put my pencils and sketch book in since all my other stuff was already in my backpack,zipped it up,put it on and headed towards my desk to get my watch,after I put my watch on I headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw my adoptive parents sitting on the couch watching tv,I paid no mind to them as they did me, and went to fix me some toast since I'm not that hungry.

After I got done with my toast,I left out the house on my way to school,I have to walk 9 minutes to my car everyday so Becky and David (the adoptive parents) won't be wondering where I got the money to pay for a car.

As I got in my car on my way to school I started thinking about my past,when I was about 6 years old,I woke up on the side of the street wondering how I got there,I remember getting found by this women,her name was Honey. She asked me where my parents were,I said I didn't know because I truly didn't know,I didn't even know where I was.

After that she took me to her house where I met Jayden and Alanii my best friends.

After a while we had to get taught how to fight and I was about ten when I asked her why we were learning how to fight and use weapons.

She said "You have to be ready for anything,you never know what the world is gonna throw at you." with her southern accent.

A few weeks later after I asked that, she died, when that happened I really understood her words.The cops said it was a car accident.

After that Jayden, Alanii and I, went into foster care,we would get adopted but always ended up back there,that is until I got adopted by Becky and David,and later on Jayden and Alanii did too,but by different people.

As I heard loud voice's I realized I was in the schools parking lot, I took my keys out of the ignition,unbuckled my seatbelt,grabbed my backpack,and got out.

After I got all the way out I closed the door, locked it and made my way into the school ignoring the looks people gave me as I walked by. As I get into the school I go to the cafeteria,spot my best friends and go to sit by them.

After we all got adopted we lost contact but then found out we all were going to the same school.

"HEY BITCH!" Jayden said,she always had a lot of energy.

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