Chapter 17

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"wake up"

I pop my head up trying to find out where the water I felt came from,but I immediately regret it.

I groan while putting my head back.I then try to get up but I realize my hands and legs are tied up.

I finally look around and see Emma standing in front of me with a creepy grin on her face.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around.

It's dim in here with a few lights,and guards at both doors.

"All you need to know is this is your new home." Emma says.

She got me messed up if she think I'm finna stay here,with her.

I look at her like she crazy and sigh.

Marcus POV

I noticed that Nicolas was gone for a little too long so I got up to check on him.

When I got to the door,all I see is the door open and a note.

I start to get worried,but think maybe Nicolas went somewhere and left this note.

I look down to read the note and start to get scared.

Dear,Whichever west sees this

Imagine my surprise when I found out your brother Nicolas was back,I should've killed him when I had the chance.

But what i was even more surprised about was his relationship with Emma.

I thought Jenna deserved a little payback for what your filthy brother did to her sister.

You may or may not get your brother back tonight,but remember what I told you guys.

You can't win.

Sincerely, Eugene

I look away from the note confused and scared for my brother,but also wondering who the fuck Jenna is.

But before I do anything I need to tell the others.

"Guys!You need to see this!" I yell walking towards my siblings.

When I get to them,I put the letter on the table so they can read it.

"We need to find him,asap." Sebastian says.

"Rafael your on cameras,see if you can spot a license's plate if any,Noorie try calling Jayden and Alanii,they said that their family is pretty known so maybe they have contacts,Sebastian take some guards with you,that's if they'll actually do their job,and me and Marcus will call some friends." Diego says barking out orders.

Everyone nods and go do what they were assigned.

"What do you mean by friends." I ask skeptical.

"Grandma,grandpa,and other mafia's we know." Diego tells me.

"We need all the help we can get." I say sighing.

Third Person

Diego and Marcus then go to call their relatives and friends do help.

Nicolas Pov

"How are you still alive?" I ask.

Since I'm here I might as well get some information.

"Oh, you mean because you shot a bullet right through my skull?" she asks harshly.

"Yea that" I say.

"Well if you must know,my name is Jenna,Emma's identical twin sister." Jenna says smiling at my shocked face.

Twin sister?
So does that mean Emma really dead?
si me tengo que ir!
(Yea I gotta go)

Word count:521
Not proof read‼️
Stay safe🫵🏾🤎

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