Chapter 12

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After that class I had a free period,then lunch so I just decided to go outside but first I have to go pick up my food I ordered so I called an Uber,simply because I didn't feel like asking for the car keys.

After I picked up my phone I just sat outside in the back of the school on a tree eating my Captain D's,watching TikTok.

As I'm watching TikTok,I see a shadow on my right so I look up to see Dylan approaching me with food in his hands.

When he finally gets by me he's just staring at first not saying anything, so that's what I also do,but then he just sits beside me.

So I continue watching TikTok. After about 5 minutes I see him watching along with me,and somehow I find myself waiting till he's done watching them to scroll,even though I be wanting to skip.

I eventually finish my food and so does Dylan,so I turn my phone off and get up to throw my trash away.

But as I do that Dylan does the same and we both go back to sit down but this time we sat at the table.

"Hey." Dylan said giving me a smile.

"Hey." I reply back smiling.

"I remember I saw you at the restaurant." he tells me.

"Same,are you stalking me?" I ask playfully.

"Well I've been going to this school and that restaurant longer so if anything, I should be the one saying that.

" Touché." Is all I say laughing,making him laugh as well.

{After school}

Nothing really happened for the rest of the day,me and Dylan got to know each other a little more but that's all.

I'm currently in my room listening to music and sketching some ideas.

I see somebody in my room so I look and and see that it's Rafael standing there with two canvases.

I pause my music to see what he wants.

"I knocked but you didn't answer so I just came in." he told me smiling like always.

"Sorry my music was high so I didn't hear you." I apologize to him.

"No,it fine I just wanted to give you this." He tells me holding out one of the canvases he was holding.

I grab it and see his painting,I'm assuming because this isn't what I painted.

"I gave you mine,I signed it at the back,I thought we could have each other's

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"I gave you mine,I signed it at the back,I thought we could have each other's." he tells me.

"Ok,just let me sign mines." I say getting up grabbing a pen and the canvas to sign it.

" I say getting up grabbing a pen and the canvas to sign it

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After I'm done I give it back to him.

"Also Diego wanted me to tell you that we're having guest so dress fancy and come down in 20 minutes." Rafael tells me then leaves.

I sigh getting up,wondering who the guest could be.

I look through my closet for a suit,and I find one that I used for a mission a couple months ago.

I also decided to pair it with a turtle neck,a watch,a Louis Vuitton belt,and some shoes.

I look at the time and see that I have a few minutes left so I just head downstairs to be early

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I look at the time and see that I have a few minutes left so I just head downstairs to be early.

After a few minutes everyone's downstairs,and is complementing each other.

We finally hear the sound of the doorbell,so Diego goes to open it.

The guest walk in and I just can't believe my eyes.

Word count:592

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