Chapter 20

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After I finish eating we all go to Diego's office and I'm introduced to my grandparents and uncles aunts.

Diego starts off talking first.

"So care to explain how you know Emma or Jenna as Eugene put it?"Diego asks me the question I'm sure everyone has been wondering.

After that question,that lead me to telling them about honey,foster care,and then after that leading up to now even me being an assassin,though right now I don't feel like one.

"So you're telling me,us that our brother is an assassin!"Rafael exclaims excited.

"What about you guys?" Noorie asks directing that question towards alanii and Jayden.

"Yea we are assassins too,we grew up together and trained together"Jayden says to my siblings.

Everyone just nods taking in all of the information.

"So before I got you know kidnapped,Noorie said that your dad was the most powerful leader of the Spanish mafia"I say suddenly remembering that piece of information.

"Yes,and him being the leader I was his next heir so I took the roll and now I'm the most powerful lead of the Spanish mafia"Diego tells me sadly but proudly.

I just nod suddenly thinking about a certain someone,we haven't known each other for a long time barely two weeks but for some reason I can't get him out of my head.

"Earth to Nic"I hear someone say while snapping in my face.

"Huh sorry,what's going on?"i ask after getting lost in thought.

"We we're just discussing our next move against Eugene and Jenna"Noorie tells me with a hint of concern on her face.

"So what are we going to do"I ask them wondering what the next move is.

"So I think that everyone should go to school next week like normal,because that's the last week before Thanksgiving break,then we should leave to a safe house and when we get there we will plan more"Marcus says looking to see if we agree.

To be honest I really don't want to go to school but if that's the plan then so be it.

Everyone ends up agreeing and we all go our separate ways but as I'm heading to my room I see Jayden go into Noorie's room.I just knew something with them was finna happen between them.

{Time skip}

It's currently Monday my first day back to scholars I'm just not feeling it,I woke up at three because I had a nightmare and I couldn't fall back's currently 6:37am.

I probably should've been started getting ready.

I go in my bathroom and start the shower,once I got in I felt so relieved of my problems from the past and now.

Most of the time I just try not to let my past define me and my emotions but right now I'm not feeling it and that's okay.

Once I get of the shower I brush my teeth and all that good stuff and went to find me something to wear.

Once I get of the shower I brush my teeth and all that good stuff and went to find me something to wear

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