Chapter 15

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When I make my way into the house I go upstairs to my room.

I then take a shower,brush my teeth etc.

Since it's late I'm gonna ask my questions about Eugene tomorrow morning cause it's the weekend.

{Tomorrow morning}


This was just like any other day,people making me mad on purpose so I could get punished.

I punched someone so hard that I knocked them out,now I'm in trouble but I'm use to the punishments at this  point.

No sound
No sound

"Well well well,look at you not making any sound."

"Look who finally grew some balls." he tells a guard and they both laugh.

"I guess I'll just have to do something else for your punishment." Jonas said to me with a smirk.

"Suck my dick." I tell him with an angry face.

"Oh,don't worry I will." Jonas said to me.

That was the last thing he said before leaving with that same smirk,in that moment I really realized he had to go.

{Present time}

I jump up breathing heavy and sweating.

This nightmare wasn't as bad as the others but I remember what happened after so that made it even worse.

I said we went into foster care after Honey died and we did but we also kept going to Jonas to.

Until it happened.

I then reach for my phone and look at the time,it said 5:25 so I just decided to get up and get ready.

All I was in was a tee and some shorts.

After I got ready,I got my sketch book and pencils and started sketching while singing.

After I got ready,I got my sketch book and pencils and started sketching while singing

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It was something I just got off the top of my head.

By the time I decided to stop It was 7:20 so I decided to go downstairs.

I grabbed my phone and put it in my shorts and went downstairs.

Once I got there I saw everyone so I thought it was the perfect time to question them.

But first i will fix my food.

I told them Goodmorning and fixed my food.

After I got done I went to sit down by Sebastian,I took a bite and decided what my first question would be

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After I got done I went to sit down by Sebastian,I took a bite and decided what my first question would be.

"So,"I start as everyone looks up at me.

"How do you know Eugene?" I ask them.

They all look at each other then back at me.

Word count:403
It's crazy how I went from 1086 to 403 and you'd think this chapter would be longer since I haven't been posting.

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