Chapter 6

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As I was pulling up to the location I looked around and there was a lot of people.

I pulled my car around the side where nobody really goes so it doesn't have to be with everybody else's.

I get out my car,walk to the front door and go inside the building.

It was filled with LED type lights,the floor was clear with light under them too,I guess it's a theme.

I asked around for directions
to the boys locker room,when I finally found it I went in and found the guy Carlos there waiting for me.

"Hey,are you Xavier?" Carlos asks.

I mentally laugh,Eric gave him a fake name.

Yea,If I'm not mistaken your Carlos,my new manager". I say going to a locker and putting my things in there. Since I have gloves on I don't rap my hands.

After I got done I sit by Carlos since I have 15 minutes until my fight starts.

"So basically the guy your fighting his fight name is Shredder" Carlos says.

Now bitch wtf kinda name is that?

"He holds the title of the most fights won in the LA underground fight club" Carlos continues.

"He's about 6'4,never loses,and always wear a mask and all black" Carlos tells me seriously.

"Hm"I hum.

"Hm,what is hm?"Carlos asks looking confused.

"Just thinking"I say checking my watch just to see that my match starts in 10 minutes.

I decided to work out but not to much so I won't be tired.

I told Carlos I was gonna work out and left to the back.

{The match starting}

It time for my match,they just got done introducing my competitor,he got a lot of cheers and claps.

Now it's my turn,I take a deep breath in and out getting pumped up.

"Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,we have a new oneeeee" the announcer dude says,all excited and shit.

They go by the name "blank"(A/N that's what happened to my mind when I tried to think of a name)

After he said that I walked out,and as I did I got booed.It's all good tho.

A/N:you can stop at 5 seconds.

I went into the ring and the announcer counted down from three.

"3...2...1"The announcer says along with the crowd.

Once he got to one we started circling each other,while we were doing that,I was looking for his weak spot.Everyone has one.

And I found it,it's his left leg,he limping but is trying to hide it.

He finally lunges forward and tries to punch me,but I'm faster.

I swiftly move over to the left avoiding the punch.

He goes to hit me again but this time I grab his arm,twist him around and kick his back,making him fall over.

I walk over to him while he's getting up dragging his leg,and look into his eyes.

Those bluish-grayish eyes look familiar.

He fully gets up and swipes my legs getting me on the ground,the crowd starts cheering.
I zone back in and before he can hit me and switch our positions.

I punch him in the nose watching his eyes water and his nose bleed.

Ian even hit him that hard for real.

(Third person)

Nicolas was about to hit his opponent again until the announcer comes into the ring and kicks him off of shredder.

That pissed Nicolas off.

Him and his appointment both got up at the same time.

Before Nicolas goes to hit his opponent he grabs the announcer by his shirt while the crowd gasps and throws him into shredder.

While he was going to get the announcer, Shredder was going to hit him but got caught up in the process.

Nicolas then pushes the announcer out the ring.

Afterwards he goes to get shredder,but he's already standing.

He turns around just in time to dodge the punch but trips in the process.

He goes to get up but gets knocked right back down. At that point he was tired and wanted the battle to end.

He got up,grabbed shredder by his left leg and twisted it,shredder screamed in pain.

At that moment Nicolas paused.

(Nicolas's POV)

I know that voice,it's Sebastian.

That's where I know the eyes from.That's why he seems familiar.

I look at him and he's turnt over in pain,I just get down and knock him out.

A new announcer comes over and announces me as the winner,and everyone cheered.

Wasn't y'all just booing me tho?

I then walk out the ring heading towards Carlos.

"We'll Xavier I think I'm going to enjoy working with you"Carlos says smiling,holding his hand out.

I give him a tight lipped smile,shake his hand and leave to the boys locker room to shower and change.

{After he changed}

He was just in a while tee-shirt,black jogger pants,with a hoodie.

He then said bye to Carlos and left to his car.

{At the house}

I pull up on the side of the house,so I won't alert anyone of my presence.

And sneak in the same way I snuck out.

Once I get into my room,I close and lock my window and put my things away.

I get hungry so I head downstairs.

Once I'm downstairs I got over to the fridge and open it,I reached for some pineapples and was about to grab them but then I hear a thud.

"Shit"I hear

I was about to grab a knife from the knife rack beside me but then I recognize the voice again.


Word count:961
Author:y'all I'm not even go lie Ion even got no motivation to write this story no more,but imma still do it.
And i don't know what to write that's why this chapter shorter. But thank you to the people reading this and adding it to they list. Stay safe🤎

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