Chapter 21

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Today is Thursday,just any normal day except the part that we're moving.

My siblings and I already said see you later to our friends yesterday so It was decided that were going to spend the day packing,but we can't pack too much just the stuff we need.

I was packing my clothes but then I heard a big boom sound like it came from outside.

I go towards my window to peak out and I see a bunch of black cars,and the guards fighting off some people with masks on.

I run over to grab some of my throwing knifes,two guns,and some extra bullets.

Once I make sure the knifes are secured,I make sure that the bullets are in the gun and I head over to my door.

I crack it open a little and I peak around to make sure that no one is there before I leave.

At first I didn't see or hear anybody but as I'm about to leave I see Noorie running up the stairs.

I manage to get her attention and she hurries over to my room,making her way in and closing my door.

"You're safe good."Noorie says sighing in relief.

"Yea,what happened or what's happening?"i ask wanting to know what going on.

"I think we have a mole because somehow Eugene and Jenna got word that we're leaving to a safe house so they decided to attack before we could leave"Noorie tells me looking like she is deep in thought.

"If they knew we were going to a safe house why couldn't the mole just tell them where we were going instead of attacking us now?"i ask,questioning Noorie.

"I don't know but it's been a few minute so I doubt they are still fighting the men off,let's go"Noorie states.

We start walking out of my room,going towards the stairs.

As we reach the end,I realize it's oddly quiet in hear so I lift my gun up just in case.

As we start walking towards the living room I see two men standing by the entrance,I then pull Noorie around the corner before they could see us.

I tell her using hand motions that they are over there and she nods taking in my words.

I put a silencer on my gun before I left the room so they couldn't hear the gun shots.

I tell Noorie using hand motions again that I'm going to the other entrance of the living room to see if anyone is there.

I head over to the other entrance and once I get there I don't see anyone,so I peak in while still being on guard and I see all of my siblings tied up with Diegos right hand man with the enemies.

"esa perra"i whisper.
(That bitch)

I make eye contact with Noorie and with a silent agreement we get to moving.

With both Eugene and Jenna's back turned towards my way Noorie takes out the guards,while I focus on getting their attention.

"Well who do we have here?"i ask sarcastically,with a menacing smile on my face.

"Oh,decided to finally show you're face?"Eugene asks with a creepy laugh while Jenna looks at me with that 'I wanna kill you look'.

"I've been showing my face,you just haven't been around to see it...I wonder why"I say trying to keep them distracted long enough for Noorie to release our siblings.

"Don't worry,I have been seeing that precious face of yours and in a m-"Eugene says getting cut off all of a sudden by a elbow knocking him out,the same goes for Jenna and the little snitch.

"In a minute,you're going to be in my basement"Diego says going to check everyone making sure we're all okay.

"What are you going to do to them?"I ask just curious to what he's going to do.

"I don't know yet but I will soon"Diego tells me with a smile on his face.

"We will soon"Marcus says eyeing Diego.

"Let's tie them up,put them down in the basement and where the fuck is our guards,surely all of them didn't die"Diego yell out.

After he said that I go outside to see if they were dead and majority of them were either dead or on the verge of death.

While everyone is doing something else I focus on helping the people outside.

We are still moving but Diego didn't want to bring them to our new house so he just left them in the basement where we currently are.

"Why?"Rafael asks Eugene.

"Why what?"Eugene responds back pretending to be confused.

"Why did your want for power make you kill our parents?"Sebastian finishes for Rafael.

Eugene didn't say anything but he just smiled instead pissing all of us off.

Why everyone else were occupied with him I go over to Jenna who has her head down.

"You know the last thing you're sister told me was that she wanted to watch me burn,she wanted to see the burn marks on my skin and she was going to be the one to do it."I tell Jenna who lifts her head up with a smile on her face at the legion of what her sister said.

"She always had great taste in torture,even better than me sometimes"Jenna tells me as she starts laughing.

As she does that I get gasoline from the table behind me and I pour it on her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"Jenna yells,squirming to get free but she can't.

From the corner of my eye I see my siblings doing the same with Eugene.

I ignore her as I grab a cigarette and a lighter from my pocket and light it up.

"You will burn one way or another"i tell Jenna,throwing the cigarette on her.

She starts screaming and Eugene right after her but I don't pay much attention to it as I light another one and more after that.

When I finally feel as though that's enough I watch her as her body starts to burn with her screaming.

I turn to look at my siblings but they are already looking at me.

We all start to walk out the door,ignoring their screams we start to walk towards the car with most of our stuff already in and the rest in the other car.

Once we ate all in the driver starts driving to our new location.

I turn to look back and I see some of our guys that weren't on duty when the incident occurred burning the rest of the house.

It won't be a problem with the police since they are also part of the mafia.

I'm just staring out the window until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I shift to my side and I see Sebastian staring at me with worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay?"Sebastian asks me making everyone turn their head towards me.

"I should be asking you that"I respond to him smiling.

Sebastian doesn't respond he just gives me a 'be serious' look.

"I'm fine but I just have a feeling that this isn't the end"I say making him nod.

"That's cause it isn't"Marcus tells us
as he sighs looking out the window.



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