Chapter 10

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I'm being poked and it's annoying the hell out of me.

I open my eyes to see 2 sets of eyes staring back at me.

"Someone please tell me why I got woken out of my sleep by being poked?" I say aggressively.

"Grandma told us to wake you up for breakfast because we're going to have a guest today.". Alanii tells me as her and Jayden both just stand there.
(A/N:Grandma is honey💕

"A guest,we never have guest." I say getting up looking at them with a confused look.

"That's what we said." Jayden says as her and Alanii both just sit there on my bed.

"Ok,we'll get out I have to get ready" I tell them after I get all of my necessities going in the bathroom,assuming they left.

(20 minutes later)

After I get done getting ready I go downstairs heading to the kitchen.

Once I get there I see Jayden,Alanii,grandma,and someone new.

I guess that's our guest,he looks expensive.

I go sit down by him since that's the only seat left and it has a plate with food that I'm assuming is mine.

I go sit down by him since that's the only seat left and it has a plate with food that I'm assuming is mine

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A/N: y'all this food look too good😖

"Goodmorning everyone." I say beginning to eat my food.

"Good-morning." everyone responds eating their food as well.

"Nicolas, now that you're here I can now introduce our guest." Grandma says with a big grin.

As she said that I look to my side where the Man is but he's already staring at me.

"This is Jonas,he's here to help you guys." Grandma says not grinning anymore.

"What do you mean Help us?" I ask what we are all probably thinking.

"I'm going to train you guys." The guy Jonas says finally speaking.

"You mean like teach us how to fight?" Jayden asks.

"Yes. But not only that,I'm going to teach you guys how to sense if someone behind you or near,to find someone just by knowing their name,how to use every single weapon you can think of,and how to speak more languages then anyone even know of,but don't worry there's more." Jonas says with a very creepy smirk.

"But Honey already taught us." I said.

"She taught you guys the basics I'm going to go in depth." he said.

While he was saying this he never once took his eyes off of me. He gives me off vibes and I don't like it.

(After breakfast)

Me alanii and Jayden all headed back to my room to discuss what just happened.

"So what do you guys think?" Alanii asks us.

"I'm excited to learn all of the things he mentioned but I don't trust him,he's suspicious to me." I tell them.

"You don't trust anyone,and besides he's a nice guy from what I saw,so I'm excited to be taught by him." Jayden responds.

"Same." Alanii says agreeing with Jayden.

After that we just talked a little more and then before we knew it it was dark,so they both went to their rooms to go to sleep.

I tried to go to sleep but my thoughts are keeping me up.

I know they said that they think he's a legit and good person, but my gut is telling me another thing.

I just wish I could've knew how right it was,before it was to late.

Word count:548

This chapter wasn't what I had planned but I just went with it. I don't even know what I'm doing no more but I'm trying not to stretch this story to much. But stay safe🤎

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