Chapter 16

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"He was a family friend. We grew up with his kids,so that that's what made it hard to believe he'd do something like that out of jealousy." Marcus said with a sad look on his face.

"What exactly did he do?" I ask slowly.

No on answered me,so I asked again.

"He killed dad." Sebastian says as he looked up,with tears falling out of his eyes.

I don't know what I was expecting them to say, but I know it wasn't that.

"What was he jealous of?" I ask confused on why he killed our dad because he was jealous.

Again they don't answer right away,they just look at each other silently asking a question with their eyes.

I then see Diego nod and Noorie speaks.

"Everything, he was jealous of people knowing our dads name,how much more money our dad made,dads title, and our mom apparently he thought she got "stolen" from him but she was never his in the first place."

"One night when everyone was sleeping he snuck in and put something in our dads mouth,then he left.The next morning when we woke up we saw our mom crying in the kitchen,we asked what's wrong and she told us that our dad died in his sleep,we were all heartbroken,so we stood there and cried with her,we watched it all on the cameras." Rafael said.

At this point everyone was crying except me,I really feel bad that they had to go through this and I'm just making them relive it.

"Ther-" Marcus was about to speak but I interrupted.

"I know this must be hard to relive this so you guys don't have to tell me the rest of you don't want." I say to all of them.

"No,it's fine you need to hear this." Diego says as everyone agrees with him.

"Y'all sure?" I ask just to make sure.

I just get a bunch of yea's and Marcus continued.

"There was also a note,it said your next, we assumed it was directed towards our mom since it was in her room so we did everything we could at the time to make sure she was safe,but it wasn't enough because three months later he killed our mom the same way." Marcus said while his voice got lower.

"There was another note,it read 'watch out I'm coming',after we received that we put in extra hours to work out and practice our fighting and once he came we were able to fight him and his guys of with the help of our guards. After that, he disappeared and we haven't seen him since." Marcus finishes wiping his face,eyes now filled with anger.

"Until we saw him the other day." Rafael says to me.

"So you're saying he's here to kill you guys like he did our parents?" I asked just to clarify.

They all nod their heads yes.

I just sit there thinking about everything they've told me so far and think back to Noorie said.

"Dads title?" I ask wondering what they mean by that but I try ink I already know.

"Huh?" Noorie ask trying to hide that she just got caught.

"You said Eugene was jealous of his title."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask wanting to see if she'd lie or tell the truth.

Nope sighs.

"We should tell him." Sebastian says to everyone.

"Says the guy who didn't even like him when he first came." Rafael snaps at him.

Я нахожу это безумием, как они просто говорят обо мне, как будто меня здесь нет.
(I find it crazy how they just talking about me like I'm not here.) In Russian.

Everyone slowly stops arguing and turns to look at me.

"What?" I ask.

"What language did you just speak?" Marcus asked me with a hint of shock on his face.

I didn't even know I said that out loud.

"Russian." I say shrugging nonchalantly.


"Where did you learn it?" Marcus asks with an amused look.

"I'll tell you if you answer my question." I say with a smirk.

"The mafia, Dad was the most powerful leader of the Spanish mafia." Noorie says looking tired of all this.

I was about to say something until the door rings.

"Not it." Everyone says really fast,touching their noses.

I sigh and get up to open the door.

Before I can see who it was my vision suddenly  gets blurry and I pass out but not before I hear a voice of a women.

"You know what they say,Karma's a bitch".

Word count:791
Not proof read!!
I'm planning on having 22 chapters just because I don't want to drag this story out a lot sooooo yea. I do have the chapters planned out but don't be expecting them ion know when the next time imma post.🫵🏾
Stay safe🤎😏

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