Chapter 9

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(Nicolas Pov)

Once we make it to the house,Rafael didn't even park he just got out and ran inside the house.

Once he got into the house I hopped over to the drivers seat and parked.

After I got done I got out the car and was about to go inside,but then I see the guards shocked face. But I don't know why I mean me and Rafael are the same age.

I just laugh it off and make my way inside.

(Rafael pov)

I jump out the car and run inside yelling.

"MARCUS"I yell running to his office.

He usually will get mad if we don't knock but right now I really don't care.

I burst through his door out of breath,I put my hands on my knees and breathe really fast.

"What did I say about not knocking and are you okay"? Marcus asks me.

Once I finally catch my breath I stand up fully and see all of my siblings here.

"Eugene" that's all I say before grabbing a chair and sitting down.

"What about him?" Sebastian asks.

"We saw him,his boss apparently sent him to convey a message." I tell them tiredly.

"First of all who is we,and second what is the message?" Diego says calmly.

That's kinda embarrassing,I was all freaked out about this and they are just calm about it.

"Me and Nic." I say and was about to continue before I got everyone.

"NICOLAS was there!" everyone screams.

"Naw I was here." Nicolas reply's sarcastically, entering the room.

"We told you where we were going so what do you think." Nicolas responds again.

"What was the message?"Diego asks.

"I don't know how to speak Russian,so I don't know."I reply.

(Nicolas pov)

He said "This is just the beginning". I replied as they all look over at me in shock.

"You know how to speak Russian?"Marcus asks like a dumbass.

"No, I was just translating while he was saying it." I say then walk out.

(Third person)

The West's were just staring at the door in shock,not know what to say.

"What the hell just happened?" Noorie asks.

" LANGUAGE!" Everyone yells.

(Nicolas's pov)

Don't get me wrong I have a lot of questions but first I'm going to take a shower,then call my friends,then take a nap and hopefully by the time I wake up it's lunchtime.

Word count:404

This chapter is short because i needed something to post so I just split this chapter with the next. And I have a killer headache.Stay safe🤎

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