Chapter 2

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I finally got to my house,my so called brothers came just a little after me.

They got out their car same as me,then came up to me.

"Do you want us to wait out here or go in with you?" Marcus asks

"Y'all can wait out here,but if y'all want to come in,I ain't stopping ya"i said

"Ok"They both said with a hint of sadness in their eyes

Now I know they ain't sad because I said they can wait out here,I was just answering the question,and I also said if they wanted to come in they could,so ion know why they got that sad look on they faces.

Anyways I went into the house and looked around,everything was the same. But then I remembered why I was here,I went up to my room,went into my closet and got all of my clothes,it wasn't much only a few hoodies,sweat pants,t'shirts,and a few pairs of jeans but the suitcase wasn't that big.My other clothes are at my house.

After I got done putting my clothes in my suitcase,I grabbed my weapons from the places I hid them and put them under my clothes,then I grabbed my shoes,jewelry,my hair products,and hygiene stuff.I may have dreads but I still take care of them.

After I got done packing everything up head out but not before taking one last glance at my room,I may have had bad experiences here,but this is where I spent most of my life.

As I got downstairs I did the same thing I did with my room then left out the door.

I headed towards the two brothers,with them staring at me while doing it.

"So basically we talked about it and you're going to ride with us to the airport and we will get somebody to bring your car over to the house ".Diego said

"I love how you guys included me in this decision,but what do you mean somebody's going to bring my car over"

"Sorry"They both said

"But you heard me somebody's going to bring your car over to the house" Diego said

"Right and who is that somebody?"I ask, I love my car and I don't trust them with it.

"It doesn't matter"Marcus said looking annoyed.

I just looked at him wanting to say something but decided not to.

"You don't have to I can get somebody to bring it over,I just need the address" i said

"Who?" Marcus ask

"It doesn't matter"I said looking him dead in the eye

He looked away embarrassed.

"Ok well let's go"Diego said

{In the car}
We're in the car on our was to the airport. I already asked one of my men to ship my car here I got the address earlier.

"So what do you like to do?" Marcus asked turning to face me from the front seat while Diego is driving.

"Things"I say

They keep asking me questions trying to learn stuff about me but I keep giving short answers,or sometimes none at all.

"Like what?" Marcus ask again

I sigh and say "singing"

"Oh yea?" Diego asks smiling

I just told you what you think

"Mhm"I mumbled

"I remember you used to always sing with mom,I loved hearing you guys sing together " Diego says pulling up at the airport

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