We Keep This Love In A Photograph

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Year: 2020
Books: Adopted by Falsettos and Adopted by Beetlejuice
Penney and Josie's Ages: 14

TW: mentions of death, mentions of cancer

Josie's POV

"Have I told you that you look really pretty tonight?" I said to my girlfriend. Penney smiled, her tan cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"Josie, stop." Penney said, playing with the grass beneath her feet. "You're going to make me blush."

"That's my goal." I said, grabbing my girlfriend's wrist and pulling her in for a kiss. 

"Dammit. Josie, how did I get so lucky? You're amazing." Penney said. "I'm forever grateful for you, you've been by my side through this whole cancer shit and I can't thank you enough for that."

"I'm always gonna be here for you, PenPen. Through the good, the bad, and everything in between."

"You're too nice." Penney said, blushing even more.

"I know." I said, kissing her again and giggling. "And to think about it- this is our first date since you got into remission."

"This is actually our first date ever." Penney said softly. "I was too sick to do anything fun when we first started dating, and I would always wonder when I would be able to get out and actually do shit with people. Sit at lunch with our friends, cause chaos with my brothers, go on dates with you. And now that I can finally enjoy that stuff again, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it, because who knows when it's all going to be taken away from me?"

I nodded slowly, knowing exactly what Penney was implying when she said that. She never liked to talk about it, but she was always scared of a relapse. And truth be told, so was I. 

"You okay?" Penney asked, grabbing my hand and rubbing my knuckles.

"Yeah. Yeah." I said. "I'm just thinking about things, don't worry about me."

"Alright. Hey, it's our day, might as well make the most of it." Penney said.

"Yeah." I said, and Penney wrapped me in a hug.

"It'll be okay, JosieBean. I'm here."


Stephanie's POV

I woke up to the sound of Josie screaming hysterically, and the second I heard her scream, I knew immediately what was going on.

Josie was having a nightmare, and part of me had a feeling as to what it was about. I scrambled out of bed and rushed to Josie's room, and I saw her curled up on her bed wearing a grey hoodie and holding something small in her hand, trying to read it the best she could in the dark.

"Josie? Trina, baby, are you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on the light switch.

Josie shook her head and turned on the lamp next to her, her face stained with tears and her body shaking. 

"I miss her, Mama." Josie choked out, her breaking voice no louder than a whisper. "I miss her so much. Why did she have to die? It's been almost a month but it still feels like yesterday that I got that call..." 

I gave Josie a big hug, my heart breaking in two. Josie started to break down in my arms, crying so hard she could barely breathe.

"I miss her too, baby. She was so good to you. She was so sweet, so strong, so funny." I said. "Hey, what are you looking at?"

Josie sniffled and handed me the thing she was looking at. It was a Polaroid picture of her and her girlfriend, Penney Steingold, and despite Josie's worried expression and the dark circles around Penney's eyes, they still looked happier than ever.

But what really broke me was what was written on the back.

"I swear it will get easier.. remember that with every piece of you..
I love you so much, JosieBean. Stay strong, I'll see you soon <3
Always and forever,

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