Big Fun

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Book: Adopted by Heathers
Cat's Age: 16
(I know y'all want an oneshot where Astrid's alive. You're welcome :D)

"My mom's not gonna be home tonight." I said. 

"Oooh, rebellious Catlynn!" Red laughed. I smirked at my girlfriend and said, "Come on, my mom knows I'm having a party tonight. Her only response when I told her was 'don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and make sure everyone's out of the house by midnight."

"Who's even coming tonight?" 

"Me, obviously, you, Astrid, Shirley, Cesca, Axel. Any questions, Miss Ashley?" I said. Red laughed and said, "Nope, see you tonight!"



"Okay, I know you're excited, but please, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, don't wreck the apartment." Elle said, grabbing her purse and getting ready to go.

"Mom, you know Shirley's coming, and knowing her, she's probably caffeinated. A lamp breaking is inevitable tonight." I said. Elle sighed and said, "Fine, but...don't get drunk."

"Hi." Red said, barging in the door. "I had Cat's spare key."

"Oh my God..." Elle said, facepalming. "Hi Red. How are you?"

"Good. I brought ice cream cake!"

"Red, I love you, but you know I'm lactose intolerant." I said. Red laughed and Elle looked at her watch. "I gotta go, Sunshine, I love you! Have fun tonight!"

"Bye, Mom!" Elle left and as soon as she closed the door behind her, I took Red's ice cream cake out of the grocery bag it was in and smashed Red's face in the cake. 

"Catlynn! Geez, stop!" Red started laughing and wiped the icing off of her glasses. I giggled as well and kissed my girlfriend. 

"Hate to interrupt the gay, but we're here!"

"SHIRLEY!" I yelled, hugging Shirley. "Where's Astrid?"

"Her dad's driving her. Axel's carpooling with Cesca."

"Wow, I'm surprised everyone's parents agreed to let them come, given there's no adult supervision here." I said. Shirley laughed and said, "My parents know you're a responsible kid."

"Hey guys!"

"ASTRID!" Shirley ran to Astrid and kissed her and I threw my arm around Red. "Sorry my girlfriend looks so disheveled, I just smashed her face in an ice cream cake before y'all got here."

"Of course." Astrid said, and then Axel and Cesca came in. I hugged them both and then connected my phone to the stereo in the living room.

"Let's get this party started."


Candy wrappers were all over the floor.

Astrid was on her hands and knees cleaning up a Capri Sun spill. 

Shirley went out to Starbucks and got us all iced coffees for the third time tonight.

"This is chaos." Red said. "I like it."

"I haven't had this much sugar in years." I said. "I guess I'm not sleeping tonight!" The music was blaring so loudly that I didn't even notice the doorbell ring.

"UH CATLYNN? THERE'S A CHILD AT THE DOOR." Astrid said. I went over to the front door, and Josie Block was standing there. I gave her a quick hug and said, "Hey, Jo! I'm surprised your mom let you come."

"Oh. Mama has no idea this party's even a thing. THANKS UNCLE ANDY!" Josie called out to a nearby car. "Anyway...candy?" Josie asked. 

"Oooh, yes." I said, pouring an entire box of Nerds in my mouth. Josie looked at me weirdly and said, "I know I'm gonna regret coming in a few minutes." 

"Yeah, you are." I said, patting Josie's head.


"We're all minors." Shirley said. Josie shrugged and said, "I'm fine with cursing. I hear it all the time at school anyway. Oooh, coffee!"

"Josie-" I started to say, but the little ten year old had already downed an entire cup of coffee. "Huh?" Josie said with a goofy smile on her face. She then giggled and skipped off to the living room.

"My mom is gonna kill me." I said, taking in the chaotic scene.

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