Chapter 8- The Other Deal

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Pete's POV

"Pete, this is your chance! Ask Kriss to the prom!" Kenny urged me, pushing me towards Kriss's direction. She was talking to Charlie, AS USUAL. I then was reminded that they're a couple.

"Don't you get it?" I asked irritably. "What's wrong with you? They're together now," I pointed to them. "And he's for sure gonna ask her, and she's gonna say yes."

"Whatever. At least try, Pete. Remember, there are Andrew, Ethan, Charlie, oh and don't forget Christian, who are surely gonna ask her to the Prom too," He told me.

I gaped at him. "What? Christian? What are you talking about?"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't you ever listen to people? Christian's in the basketball team, right? And so is Charlie. I always hear them talking about her."

"So? They're talking about her because probably Charlie's asking some advice from Christian," I said bitterly.

"Yes and no. At some point he WAS asking advice, but another time I overheard Charlie saying things like, "When are you gonna make a move on her?" And Christian answered, "I dunno. Someday. But I hope that at least one of us will have her in the end." I approached them and they fell silent, Christian even muter and more shy than usual. It's obvious, really, Pete. You're so thick. Unlike me...I observe people."

"Yeah, stalker much. Besides, I have a whole year to decide in what to do."

I couldn't believe it. Christian, liking Kriss? They aren't even close!

Suddeny I felt overprotective and possessive towards Kriss. But then, I suddenly remembered, 'She's with Charlie now....'

I decided to change the subject. Clearing my throat, I said, "How about you? Gonna ask Kaylie to the Prom??"

"Yeah, of course," He told me confidently. "But first I'm gonna have a date with her."

I snorted. "Wow, good luck on that," I said sarcastically. "Let's see if she'll even answer your question."

He clapped his big hands. "I have a good feeling she'll say yes. Gonna ask her out on Valentines Day. I have a whole plan started out already," He boasted.

That made me laugh harder. "Yeah right...Valentine's Day is on February and it's just November. Taking things too fast, eh, Kenny?"

"No. It's called EFFORT, Pete. Who knows, maybe after everything, I'll have her in the end," He concluded hopefully.

I didn't say anything but shrug my shoulders, knowing all too well that all Kenny's effort will just go to the trash can.

As for Kriss....Really...I wanna ask her to the Prom. But what if she'll say no? What if she'll reject me? What if she'll say, "Sorry. I already have a date already."?? I couldn't even think about it.

I was half convinced that if she's going with Charlie or any of the other boys, I won't even attend Prom. I mean, what's the point? Seeing the girl you like dancing with some other boy?

Charlie's POV

I might have either made the stupidest deal ever or the most sensible one.


"Let me through, Renee," I said, annoyed. I was at the main entrance to the small cafe restaurant, and this Renee and her wannabes are preventing me from going in. "What do you even want? Kriss is already waiting for me inside! I'll call the guard, you want? I'll tell him you're blocking the entrance."

She huffed. "Sure, try that. My dad OWNS this cafe. And I can do whatever I want." What a spoiled brat!

If Renee was a boy I would have punched her squarely in the jaw. But she's a girl and I couldn't wrestle her...

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