Chapter 11- The School Newspaper

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Kriss's POV

It's lunch time. I'm sitting with Charlie, as usual.

"Woah, Kriss. Take a look at THIS," He said in a surprised tone and shoved the school newspaper in front of me. He pointed at a certain section of the newspaper: Juicy Information

It took me a moment before the words cleared. The headline said: The New Couple This Year
I felt nervous, but why, exactly? I read on and found out:

"Another year, another IT COUPLE. Fellow students and teachers, meet our school's newest and most well known couple: None other than Pete Hartford and Renee Bish! Surprised? Well, yes, a lot of people thought that Kriss and Pete had a "thing" going on between them. But, I, Cara Watsons, interviewed Pete and Renee just the other day, and they revealed a lot of unknown information.

"As Pete concluded, 'I never really had a crush on Kriss. Sure, I adore her for being really smart, but the only girl I've been dreaming of is Renee Bish.'

"I have to admit, it really was shocking to hear those words come from his mouth. But I guess, expect the unexpected, right? Turn to the next page, for interview of Renee Bish:

Feeling that I couldn't express what I was feeling, I turned the next page without hesitation.

"Renee told me happily, 'Pete and I are official. We're a couple, he asked me to be his girlfriend just last week. We made out before he asked me, and I, of course, said yes. I knew Pete Hartford secretly liked me! Of course, I was extremely happy and he was, too. We're going to be celebrating our monthsary in a few weeks' time.' "

"Well, that's it for today, students and teachers! If you're still curious about this topic, feel free to ask me to write more about it. Stay updated for the next week's school newspaper."

A group of swarming girls were over there inquiring Pete and Renee about it. Over the large group, I saw Renee kiss Pete's cheek.

"I can't believe this," I gasped. "How could Pete say all those stuff? How could he do this?"

I felt....terrible.

Pete's POV

"What the heck do you want?!" I shouted as a stampede of girls came running to Kenny and my table.

"Is it true?!"

"You like Renee and not Kriss?"

"That means she's gotten over you, right?"

"Tell us more, Pete!"

More questions similar to those kept coming. I was about to protest and yell when someone did it for me..

"Yes, girls!" Came Renee's voice. My stomach sank. Don't tell me SHE'S behind all this?! "Pete and I ARE a couple now. It's official. So please, get out of the way so I could hang with my boyfriend, girls!"

I was bewildered. What the heck?! What the heck?!


I was about to ask her, but she kissed me at the cheek!! What the hell is going on?!
Renee's POV

Good. Cara did well. I found her at the corner of the library and went to her.

She dropped her book and seemed scared. "R-Renee--

"Don't stutter. I'm here to tell you about your job," I said, expressionless. She looked terrified.

"You did well, Cara. And here is your reward," I told her and she seemed shocked and relieved. I gave her $500, but she refused.

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