Chapter 21- Two Plans

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Pete's P.O.V

"So Renee's behind all of it then?" Kenny asked for the hundreth time. "And that kiss was also her doing? It was all a misunderstanding, then? She admitted that Charlie slipped and videoed it?"

"Yes, yes, and YES." I answered warily. "Haven't I answered those questions so many times already? Now please move on to your next question, if you still have one."

"No, no, I don't. Except, are you REALLY sure that the kiss was like, an accident?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"It's an accident. Unless you want me to call Renee to explain it to you detail by detail?"

"No need....It was just....fishy."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning," He said in a superior tone, "Renee couldn't have been there by accident, right? I mean, seriously, how could anyone, ANYONE, be at that precise moment, still have time to get her phone, and video it, right on time?"

"I don't know," I said stubbornly. "Renee, I guess. She was lucky and I was just unfortunate."

"Somethin's still not right with it..."

"What are you implying?" Iasked incredulously. That the kiss wasn't an accident, then? That Renee made up that story?"

"Not exactly....I don't know....Just something. Just be cautious around that Charlie, ok? I really don't trust him."

"Note taken. So anyway, just drop the kiss, alright?" I said airily.

"Yes, alright..." He said, seeming as if he'll let the aubject go and forget about it for good. He relaxed his shoulders. "Anyway. Valentine's coming in about....two days? Any plan for Kriss since you two sorted things out already?"

It's almost Valentine's? Oh yeah....Today's the February 12 already....I lost track of the days after all these things that happened lately. "Um, no, I guess," I said uncomfortably. Not in the mood to make efforts. "I guess not."

He looked at me with an eyebbrow raised, his face not surprise. "I knew you'd say that. So I'm here to persuade you to do something for her on that day."

"Look, nothing you'll say'll make me change my mind. I'm not planning anything on Valentine's for her, that's final."

"You're right." Kenny agreed, nodding, which surprised me. We almost never agreed in matters when it came to this topic. "Which is why I won't waste my saliva and show you something instead."

Without waiting for my reply, he slipped one hand into his bag and rummaged around before taking a piece of scratch paper. I laughed. "THAT? A paper will make me change my mind?"

"Not a regular paper. I found this under Ethan's table." He handed me the paper, urging me to read it. I took the old battered paper and read:

"Hey, James, I need your help.

What for?

Help me write a Valentine's letter for her.

Who, Kriss?

Duh! Of course it's Kriss. So, help me or not?

What happens if I say no, Ethan?

You can't say no! You've got to help me!

Why d'you wanna giver her a letter, anyway? Doesn't she like Pete or something. Or was it Charlie...?

Dunno. But, you know, if I'm lucky.....

If you're lucky, she might like you? HA! That will never happen! What're you gonna do? You're gonna need more things to do till she'll like you....Try stealing Kriss from Charlie or Pete, that's impossible.

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